Chapter 26

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After this amazing family night, Katsuki and I had to come back to school. I was scolded by All Might, then by Aizawa, which was very scary. This man creeps me out, really.

Everyone accepted the fact that I am a vigilante and I'm glad that no one told the medias. If I'm being honest, I really thought my secret would be revealed to the world. But Nezu managed to create a convincing enough lie about me being kidnapped in a way to get to my brother so the whole story got covered up. Unfortunately, a lot of heroes are now aware of my situation. Most of them are from the top ten or are teachers at UA so it's kind of fine. Kind of.

We spent Christmas all together, I got a kit of make up from the Secret Santa we did so I guess I'll have to try. In all honesty, I never had my own make up before, the only times I put on some was for some fancy event I had to attend with my parents. Eri even showed up and gave us Easter eggs. This kid really had no childhood. She was held by the Yakuza and was experienced on before Deku and a team of heroes saved her.

That's why UA took her in. We are going to give her what she never got : love. After Christmas, I went to the meeting between heroes. I gave them the information I had and with all the pieces of information we had, we created a plan to finally take down the league. We can't afford to let them kill people anymore.

Hawks is doing good in his undercover mission, he is getting closer to finding everything out every day. We agreed on a place for a weekly meet up so he can update me about everything he finds out and I have to tell the teachers at UA every Monday during a meeting.

As if I didn't have enough work...

After that, everyone went back home. We spent the New Years Eve in family along with Cho and Mitsuya who I hadn't seen since July so it was very  emotional.

Katsuki went to his internship with the bastard Endeavor and almost died  twice. Of course I was spying him. He, Deku and Todoroki are all going to the same agency. I must admit they are all really strong and fast, most of the time I couldn't keep up with their speed when they were dashing through the city. But I have my tricks so I always found them in the end. Also, Keigo took an intern, which I grew close to since I spent a lot of time with them too. His name is Tokoyami, but his hero name is Tsukoyomi, something about darkness and shadow.

I had to spend time at UA too, because they want me to join the hero course in class 1A. I was tested in all the academic subjects like math, English, Japanese, History, Geography, science... I will have to go check the result next week. They tested my physical abilities as well, Aizawa-sensei (now I have to call him that because he's soon going to be my homeroom teacher) said it was the one his class did at the beginning of the year.

Flashback last Wednesday

"Miss Bakugo, please follow me to ground Beta, Eraser Head is going to make you take another test." Nezu says as I exit the classroom I have been in for two hours doing a math test. I sigh, knowing I wouldn't be able to escape it.

I follow the principal around the school. I am wearing black cargo pants and a tight light blue tank top. It's practical because in case of an emergency, I can fight without being bothered of anyone seeing my underwear. UA first told me I had to wear a skirt to join the hero course. That's funny because I don't particularly want to do so, so I just answered that I wouldn't join them. You guess what happened. I got what I wanted.

We finally reach ground Beta.

"Bakugo. You're going to do a few physical tests. Here are the scores my students got at the beginning of the year. Try to beat them." He says as he shows me a list with the students names and their score on every activity.

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