Chapter 22

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He stays there in shock. I don't know if it was a good idea. I sigh again, desperate for him to say something. He snaps out of it and let out "You... She... What...?"

"I'm Kurokage. Yes. I know it's a lot to take but I can explain. You want me to explain?"  I ask weakly. What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he doesn't want me to be his sister? 

He nods weakly and I sit down, sighing in relief, patting the ground next to me for him to sit there. He does just that and look at me with expecting eyes.

"Okay. This is going to be long. What do you want to know first?" I ask as I place my costume back in the bag.

He clears his throat and says "Why did you disappear ?"

"Well, I saw on the news that Endeavor was fighting two Nomu's and I know Hawks is tired because of his current mission so he couldn't help. So I got there and I sniped a Nomu. I let the other to Endeavor. But then, Dabi attacked me. We fought for a long time, and I would have won if it wasn't for me exhausting myself since November. So I passed out."

"What do you mean you sniped it ? And why were you exhausting yourself?" He is genuinely confused. But that means he is interested.

"Okay I'll start from the beginning." And I do. I tell him everything. From the sludge monster until now.

He stays speechless.

"Are you hurt?" He finally blurts out.

"I have a nasty burn on the stomach but I stitched up most of the wounds yesterday." I try to reassure him.

"You stitched yourself up? Really?" He shouts.

"Yeah" I shrug.

He sighs and hugs me.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight? If you don't have to go with Kirishima of course" I wink at him.

He hits the back of my head playfully. He chuckles in his deep voice. "No, I don't sleep in his room every night, you know? And I didn't want to wake him up during the night."

I look at him, confused. That doesn't make any sense. "Why would you wake him up?" 

He doesn't answer at first, as if he was embarrassed about it or something. He avoids my eyes skillfully but then sighs. "I have nightmares, at night. I don't want him to be worried about me." He finally tells. 

I look down in shame. I should've known. I shouldn't've pried. I have those too, and I wouldn't tell anyone for anything in the world. Katsuki, who always want to be strong for me... I feel so guilty now. Since when does he have nightmares? Is ie since the sludge incident? The kidnapping? Or is it because of me? He was always worried  about me but I always shrugged him off. I realize now, how hard it must have been for him. "I'm sorry."

He hugs me and we sit there, in each other's arms. 

I wake up without remembering the events of last night. Then I look around me to find myself in the forest, snuggled up against my dear older brother. He is still fast asleep. It's normal since it's barely sunrise. The yellowish light licks our skin, bringing a little heat in the winter cold. We both are wearing rather thick clothes but it still comforts me. 

My whole body is sore and hurts. 

I turn my head toward the blond next to me. In the dark, yesterday, I couldn't make out all his features but now, I can see it clearly. He is tired. He has two purplish circles under his eyes and his hair, despite being usually messy, seems even messier. The guilt come back and lock itself in my throat. He wasn't like that before all this. I made him worried. I did all that to make him better, but I made him worried. 

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