Chapter 10

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Hello everyone,


From this chapter, it's better if you have seen the fifth season of Mha. I personally have seen everything, and since I use the events from the manga and the anime,  it's all from it.


Okay, November, I have a meeting with Hawks. Why? He hates cold and he asked me to meet him on a rooftop, where there is a fucking lot of wind. That isn't fucking normal.

During the last months. I became friends with the whole class A. Great. Nezu made me personal lessons but my level is already a college level. Fuck. Now it's me helping Kat, not him helping me.

I trained a lot. I learn things too fast so they make me train with class A. I have to hold back because it would be too easy. But I still win. I didn't win against Deku, Todoroki and Kat. The three best. I hold back against them, because beating the best would be suspicious.

Ahh, I'm fucked. School is boring. Now, with this meeting, I finally have a real mystery. Even patrols aren't funny. There almost weren't any villains. The only thing different is that now, when people recognize me, some ask autographs. The kid was on the news. Kat even told me he wanted one. I almost laughed. Key word: almost.

I am currently on a fucking rooftop. Waiting for a birdman to show up. Damn it. This fucker is always late.

Can you tell I'm in a bad mood? Because, fuck, I am. If I had my brother's quirk, I swear to god, every fucking thing I touched since this morning would be burned to ashes.

First, I fell off the bed, second, it was four in the fuckin morning, while I went to bed at two (patrols, you know). Third, I brunt my breakfast, then I broke my bowl of milk. After my hair was too fucking tangled and I hadn't time to wait so brushing my hair was torturing. Even brushing my teeth was hell, fuck, I soaked my shirt with water, and I ended up with toothpaste in my hair. Fuck it. Eventually, I tripped and nearly broke my ankle in the stairs because there was too much people in the elevator and I couldn't wait since I had a meeting. And now THIS FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER OF SHIT OF HAWKS IS FUCKING LATE!

So yeah, I'm pissed off.

Don't laugh at me, reader I'm trying to be calm. I'm really trying. But you can tell it isn't working. But it won't work at all if you keep laughing !

I shoot in a rock on the floor, sending it far away. I sit down and hug myself. Even in my back hoodie and black sweatpants, I'm FUCKING COLD.

I take out my phone.

Texts to Chicken Nuggets 🍟🍔🍗

The Lil Hanako 👩🏼‍💻👩🏼‍🔬
Ur late.
Hurry ur ass up.
Fucking Hawks if u don't hurry, I'll kill u if I'm not dead from frostbite before u arrive.
You idiot.

That fucker left me on read?! I groan. I put my phone in my pocket and sit in a criss-cross position.

After a few minutes, he finally arrives. He seems rather worried.

"Hey!" He greets cheerfully.

"Fuck you. I've waited for you for almost thirty minutes in the fucking wind because your lazy ass was late." I glare at him, even if he can't see my eyes under the hood. The fabric is practical, I and only I see through it.

"Oi, calm down Baby Bird. You don't have to yell." He chuckles.

"Why are we here? At least I hope I'm not wasting my fucking time?" I shout, keeping my mask on to tell him I'm pissed.

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