Chapter 6

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Hello! Sorry, today there will be a violence warning. It's not a lot it's just if you're sensitive to that I prefer to tell you before. Have fun reading.

The next day, I wake up on the couch. We watched Marvel films until late in the night yesterday so it's understandable.

Cho is already in the kitchen but Mitsuya is still sleeping. Like always. I drag myself to the table and put head down on it. I'm still half asleep.

"Honey, you're awake. Here, I made you some eggs." Cho says softly. Her antennas might as well have told her I'm feeling down. She gives me a small smile and hand me a plate with eggs in it.

"Thanks Cho. You're the best" I thank her with a low voice.

"You're welcome, Hana" Her sweet voice sounds like a romantic music. She is always nice and optimistic. She's beautiful, funny, happy... She's the best cousin ever. She is a college student, she wants to be psychological. She's says it's the best way she has to help others, with her quirk. When she doesn't study, she works in a café. She's a great cook. But I have to say Katsuki and I are almost as good as her. Were? No are. They keep him alive. They must need him. If they wanted him dead, they'd have killed him in the forest. Somewhere, he's fighting. I know it.

The guest room's door cracks open. A wet haired Mitsuya appears at the frame.

"Hello sis, hello Hana" He greets tiredly. He took a shower but as always, he still is a sleepyhead after that.

"Hi sleepy princess" Cho teases in a happy tone.

"Hey!" Mitsuya complains.

We both giggles as he pouts.

In the morning, we didn't do anything. I tried to forget about the situation, but I am in my room, sitting on my bed, lost in my thoughts. The League doesn't leave my mind. I'm actually really scared. About what they might do to him. About their next move. About everything. I understand that they kidnapped him for a reason. I think I know the reason. He's powerful. If he was in the bad side, he would be an opponent terrifying. But I know my brother. He'd never let go of his goal.

He has a strong mind. And a strong body. The only thing I'm scared of is what they might do to him if he doesn't join them. Which he won't, of course. They could torture him mentally, physically, threaten him and our family... They have so much possibilities. Everyone has weaknesses. Even Katsuki.

I think I skipped lunch. But I'm not hungry. Cho and Mitsuya seem worried. But they leave in the afternoon, like they said yesterday. I'm alone. Again. I take myself together and get my ass downstairs. I search in the freezer for my life saver. There. I take out my vanilla ice cream and take the whole pack upstairs. I eat ice cream during a lot amount of time. Then I fall asleep.

It isn't night but in my dreams, it is. Everything is black. I am standing in front of UA. I take a step. Then another one. And another one. Then I spot someone.

I walk up to them to find out the person is the cake boy from Katsuki's class. He is frozen in place. He don't move an inch. He is looking directly toward the building. I walk toward the main building. I find other students frozen on my way. There are also some duo of kids. The ones who can move are crying.

Then, I see someone I know. Kaminari, the electric guy. He's crying next to a girl whose ears look like earphones. Then I see Mina. She's on the floor. She has blood all over her body and acid on her fingers. Her eyes are fixed on the ceiling. She is dead.

I follow her eyes full of fear and I see on the ceiling a mark. It's written in blood and it says 'we will find you'

I keep going, searching for my brother. In a room, I see a lot of students in a circle. They are all crying, of fear, sadness, and despair. Then a green haired boy. He's under a spotlight. His eyes are shining with hatred and he has like green electricity around him. He seems powerful. He is standing on something so he is taller than in real life.

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