Chapter 23

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Hello dear readers, hope you didn't forget me ! I didn't have time to go on Wattpad for soooo long and I am very very very sorry for keeping you waiting (if you are even waiting for the following parts 😅) !

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Hello dear readers, hope you didn't forget me ! I didn't have time to go on Wattpad for soooo long and I am very very very sorry for keeping you waiting (if you are even waiting for the following parts 😅) !

I had a lot of things to do for school and I totally forgot to update, I'm very sorry, I'll try not to forget from now on (although I don't promise anything)

And no, I'm not going to publish every day or every week or every month, I just publish when I have time to and when I have inspiration.

Anyways here we go, hope you like it so far 🤪!

"Hanabro, you're back!" 

I freeze. What am I going to say? What if he sees my stitches? What if he asks a question I can't answer? What lie should I make? How am I going to-

"Yeah, she's fucking back. You alright?" I hear my brother say. He walks around the sofa and up to his boyfriend. He wraps his arms around the redhead's waist and softly kisses his lips. Kirishima smiles at his antics and kisses back, his left hand in my brother's hair and the right on his cheek. They go in a full French kiss and I turn around, my hands covering my face. 

"Aah! Yuck! Stop that! If you keep going I'm going to have to pull my eyes off!" I scream. The boy blond chuckles and scolds me about my childish behavior. He is going soft. Normally, he would've hit me repeatedly on the head until I say I'm sorry. I have a feeling Kirishima has something to do about it. 

We sit silently around the little table, enjoying our breakfasts. Kirishima doesn't like to pry in, he prefers when we tell him things directly and doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. That's an amazing quality. If only everyone was capable of that... I keep thinking of what I'm going to tell them. The bests lies are made of truth. 

I could tell I was kidnapped again by Dabi. And since I'm quirkless, they kept me in an unprotected room. And that I just picked the window lock, because yes, I can pick locks pretty easily, that's why I can't play any Escape Game, it's too easy for me. So I picked the window lock and I escaped. They weren't checking on me since they thought I was unconscious because they had sedated me. That's a good idea because with that, it seems possible that they didn't talk to me at all and it's also possible because even if I'm small, sedatives don't affect me as much as they should. That sounds good. 

Then, why did he capture me, where and when? Let's say I don't know why because I didn't talk to him but I had been out of the dorms early because I couldn't sleep and I was walking in the street and... What? He just kidnapped me? No, definitely not. But I was like... Walking in bad streets and then he like... arrived? And... Oh, I know! He put a drug tissue over my mouth and I fell unconscious. So I don't remember anything! That sounds great! 

"Hey, Hana, why don't you go tell the teachers you're back? I'm sure they must have plenty of questions to ask you!" Kirishima's pure innocence and sweetness will always impress me. That guy is perfect for Kat. But then, I realize how right he is. With wide eyes, I look at my brother and he nods to me. I grab my bag, we both stand up and say goodbye to Kiri then we head outside. 

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