Chapter 2

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I exit his room and go to mine. I look at my clock. It says 20:45. Okay. My parents will come to tell me goodnight at 21h. I still have 15 minutes.

During this time, I prepare my things (suit, weapons...) in a bag that I place just under my bed. I look on map on my phone to localise the place I will go to. My door opens. I turn around to see mom and dad.

"Darling, go to bed, it's time." Mom tells in a calm voice.

She and Dad kiss my forehead and say goodnight before they leave to my brother's room. I lock the door (Like every night) and I change from my pyjamas to my Kurokage suit. I open the window and climb onto the tree next to my room. I quickly climb it and jump on the roof. Then I jump from roof to roof using the resorts of my boots. I find the place and jump into an alleyway.

I hide behind bins and listen to their conversation, waiting for the perfect moment.

"Hey. Did that guy with the hand asked you too?"
"Yeah. I can't wait. Tomorrow, All Might will be dead alongside to Eraser head, Thirteen and all the kids."

My eyes widen in shock. 'Are they planning to attack Class A? I saw their schedule on their files and... Uh-oh. They will be with three teachers. The three heroes they are talking about'.

"Where was it again? USJ?"
"You really care? That mist guy will take us directly there!"
"Yeah! That's amazing!"

I can see them clearly. They are the eight worse dealers of Tokyo. I hear to other men discussing on the nearest roof. I will take care of them after. I take out my gun (with sedatives) and shoot. The boss falls on the floor. They all scream and look around frightened. I shoot three more time and I, like always, get them in the neck. I look up. The two strange men who discussed do not look scared at all. They just look down, curious.

I shoot again. Three to go. Again. Two to go. Again. One last. Again. They are all on the floor. The two men are still standing on the roof, looking wide eyes at the scene in front of them. They did not see it coming.

I don't have any more sedative because normally, only eight dealers should have been here.

I quickly climb the building by behind.

But they were waiting for me.

Oh. My. God.

It is Hawks and Kamui Wood.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

The first shoots feathers at me. I barely dodge. That's a crazy speed. That is not even his real speed, he is way faster. The second jumps night and send me his arms (?) toward me. I jump back to dodge. Now I stand on the edge of the building. I look behind be before looking ahead again.

"Oi little man. Trapped, are we?" Hawks teases. I hate this and he knows that. I take some knives out of my thigh pockets and swing them around, like to say, 'come to me'. I did not say it our loud because I don't want Kamui Wood to understand that I am a girl, a young one with that.

"Okay, but you asked for it" And with that, Hawks flies directly toward me while the other one jumps hight to do a double attack. 'Shit' I thought.

I dodge and dodge again. And again, and again. Finally, Hawks come to a hand-to-hand combat. I am the best at that. I swing my weapons again, slicing his hair and cutting his cheek. That was for attacking me. Fuck he knows I'm tired. He grunts but he uses his feathers as swords to respond. I cut his longest feathers in two. He looks genuinely shocked. He then goes for a punch put I catch his arm and twist it. The I flipped him by my shoulder and let him fall off the roof. No worries, he can fly. He will understand.

Then the human tree come to me. He hit my back with his hard arm and an almost lose my balance. Almost. I kick him in the face then I run toward another building, jumping on its roof. I jump from roof to roof until I hear nothing behind me. I turn around panting. I use the windows and balconies to go down in the street. I should be more careful.

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