Chapter 21

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I am walking silently in the dark streets of the city, a dark blue hoodie on and the hood over my head, hiding my features. I hold my bag mindlessly but my phone is secured in the pocket of my hoodie, in vibrate mode. I don't want Hawks to worry about me anymore. I read all the articles about the news and it seems like I worried pretty much everyone. They couldn't find anything.

At least, that means I'm doing a good job at hiding my identity. 

I truly don't know how I am going to tell Katsuki where I was. What lie could be truthful enough that it seems realistic. I have to add the fact that I am limping like crazy, thanks to my twisted ankle. Maybe I'll have to finally tell him the truth. Or maybe I'm just going to stay like this and tell him something like 'I don't want to talk about it'. 

I know the city perfectly, every short cut and every street, every shop and every rooftop. I can't make my way on the roof tops because it would hurt my ankle even more. We don't want that, it would be very embarrassing.  

I make it to UA in a very short time. I don't want to be seen yet. It would be very unfortunate. I want to meet with my big brother first. 

Unfortunately, when I arrive at the entrance, the huge gate is surrounded by police officers. I hide behind a wall and peek out, watching the building. What makes the occasion so special that they had to call so much guards? We are in the middle of the night! The dorms aren't visible from where I'm standing but I have a clear sight of the huge blue building that is UA. Some lights are still turned on, but I can't see well. 

Then I look at who might be here who's so important. I can barely see the parking, but there are many cars. I learnt the hero cars a year ago, when I was really scared of getting caught. I recognize them all. I think Best Jeanist is there, Endeavor too. Maybe even more heroes. So there is a meeting? It wasn't planned like that, last time I checked. It's weird.

I turn around and take another street. I have to get on the other side, where the dorms are. 

I walk down the streets, at a quick pace. I want to arrive soon, and it's really cold out there. 

UA is enormous and that's really annoying. I spot the way I usually get out by. The gate is large, but just large enough for me to pass through. If it wasn't for my petiteness, I wouldn't've been able to. 

I walk under the trees, for once. I'm not jumping from tree to tree, I'm not hurrying to go to sleep... I'm walking, like a normal person. I'm even slowing down. I'm stressed. I'm really stressed and that's annoying because I'm scared of nothing apart for dogs. The thing that's bothering me isn't the fact that I'm stressed, what's bothering me is the fact that I hurt my brother by going, I'm tired of lying to everyone and I don't want to lye anymore, especially to him. 

As I get closer to the dorms, I think that a snail could win a race against me right now, my injured and tired body doing nothing to help me calm my nerves. 

I soon arrive to the High Alliance. I climb in a tree and get awkwardly on my balcony. My bag seems really heavy now. My room is dark, without any light. My things were moved, it's clear as a rock but it has been put back in place, maybe by my brother. 

I set my bag down on my bed and head out carefully. There is no one outside. Actually, I don't know what I was expecting. It's like 2am. I go to Katsuki's room but he isn't there. Maybe he's cuddling with Kirishima? I check the later's room but, then again, no one. It's weird. I look in the room of everyone at our floor but it's the same. No one. Did something happen?

I get to the other floors, by the stairs so i don't make any noise. There is no one in there; the building is empty

I go take my bag and run downstairs. No one in the living room. No one in the kitchen. No one in the bathrooms... Where is everyone?!

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