Chapter 27

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"The second team will go there and we will be able to evacuate the civilians from all the cities around the combat place..."

I've been sitting here for litteral hours. The heroes are busy making plans for the whole new situation. We have a bit more than three month left. We can't spare even a second. We need to prepare for whatever is going to happen.

I never wanted to come at this meeting. It's long, useless and annoying. The worst thing is that those grown ups adults are as childish as teenagers. They don't want to listen to any of my propositions because I am a 'kid' and I 'don't have any experience'.

I can't believe it! I have more experience than half of them reunited. In a year and a half, I stopped a hella lot of criminals and I saved countless people. Heroes are dumb.

I yawn and fold my arms on the table in front of me. I decide that since no one cares about what I have to say and I apparently don't care about what they have to say, I'm going to sleep. I put my head down on my arms and close my eyes.

"Miss Kurokage, of you're not interested in what we are saying, then I suggest you leave, because you're taking up place, and you're condescending attitude is disrespectful." Endeavor barks at me.

I lean back in my chair and sigh. "You know, Endeabitch, I don't really give a fuck that. And y'all won't listen to me. Of course I'd like to tell you about my opinion but you won't allow to speak up so, what can I say? Fuck off!"

A few heroes gasp from shock. No one had ever dared to speak to the number one hero like this. Well, I don't really care. I trust my skills in organization for missions. I don't trust theirs. The red headed man grits his teeth in anger. "Well, Miss, if you have a comment or a proposition to add, go on, we are all listening to you." His smirk grows wider as he sees the confusion on my face. Then the information reaches my brain, and I smile wildly.

"Oh, my Gosh, finally! Okay, so, first of all, your teams are not in the good places." I start off, standing up from my chair and walking to white board. "This one should be plit in six. One at each evacuation spot and the last one  here, ready to strike dead on. We are not trying to be subtle. We are here to arrest all of them. Do I need to remind you how many people they have gathered?"

The silence answers me.

"That's what I thought. Now, the other team, which I'm going to call team blue, they need to evacuate people starting by the closest town, then further and further. Not the other way around." I draw little circles and arrows in red and blue on the board then I add I black a big square to represent the enemies.

I walk over to my desk and take out a few papers in my folder. I have reunited a lot of information on each villain, and I have studied the case of the attack in a city near the HQ. I out them on the board with a few magnets. I write their name under their picture so everyone can see it. I write a little recap of their quirk too, and their number.

The biggest one being Shigaraki, 39 then Dabi, 34. Toga is 14 while Twice is only 1.

"What the hell is this number?!" Yells Endeavor, clearly annoyed.

"It's what we call in the underworld their kill number. It's the number of people they killed. We don't count the not official ones."

"Yeah, how do you even know that?" Asks Mirko.

"I infiltrated the Red Dragon gang last year." I tell, as if it was nothing.

"Wasn't that the one that got destroyed from the inside? They were all arrested."

"Yeah, well that was me"

They seem more shocked than I thought they would. Well, whatever. I shrug it off and keep writing. When I've finished, I put the felt pen down and start reading the files on Endeavor's desk.

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