Chapter 20

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I crawl in the vent, my body is compressed by the walls. Those seems to be getting closer and closer to me at every breath I take. My breathing is getting difficult. I can hear very distant yelling. I guess the villain realized I'm not here anymore. It's now only a question of minutes, maybe seconds before he finds out how I escaped. When he does, let's just hope I'm far enough. 

I know he can't pass through the hole but his hands can. And his hands bring fire. 

My eyes are heavy from the tiredness, all my injured members are screaming for me to let go. To fall back asleep. But I can't. Before I starting moving like a worm in this shitty vent, I sent my localization to Keigo with a text telling him the minimum. 

I'm injured. Come get me. I'm getting out if the building as soon as possible. 

I hope he doesn't panic. Because I would've. The more a move forward, the more I realize how bad the situation is. I can barely breath or move, I'm tired, my stomach is screaming for food or at least some water. But above anything, I want to sleep. I need to sleep so bad. 

The odor is awful, there is moldiness everywhere. It's unbearable. 

Then there is a corner. Oh fuck. I have to turn. The place is so tiny I have to completely twist my body to make it. I'm not very flexible so it hurts like a bitch. I thing I dislocated my shoulder doing so. 

I'm scared. It hurts. I can barely feel my body anymore. It's hard to breath. I'm scared. God, I'm so scared. I think I've never been this scared in my whole life. Even the countless times I almost died, even when I was scared to loose my big brother. I feel like my chest is going to explode from the pressure,  like my heart is being squeezed between my lunges.  

It's not just a quick scare anymore. I'm not being saved by the adrenaline running through my veins. It's not an effort the lasts thirty seconds and then it's over. No. I don't know how long I'm going to have to slid in this vent but it feels like it's never going to be over. I am ever going to get out of it? Maybe I've been making my way in a vent that just goes in a circle around the room I was kept in? Or maybe I'm going to get burned to ashes first? 

I'm so scared... You see, the horror movies? Well, I feel like the character in  the horror movie, who's going to get killed, if not now later. It's awful. I feel so shitty. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket, recalling me to the world of the livings. I can't take it from where i am but my it brought me my determination back with the message. 

So I keep going, at the speed of a snail, but I keep going. 

I don't know how long it's been but it's been a long time. Each time my phone vibrates, it gives me more courage to face the situation, more strength to keep going with. I think it's been hours since I escaped. But I finally, finally, feel the fresh air hit my face. I look up and even with my eyes half open, I can see the exterior. 

I keep going at the same pace, not having enough strength to go any faster. 

Less than five minutes later, my fingers get in contact with the cold piece of metal that's the only thing separating me from outside. From security.

I slid my right arm in my hoodie and pull out my tools and my mask. With broken fingers and tired hands, it's barely even possible to put my mask on.

I hiss in pain as I have to force on the screws. Fifteen minutes later, all of them are down and the piece of metal falls to the floor which is, fortunately, closer to me than what I was expecting.

I crawl out and weakly stand up, keeping a hand on the wall to help myself up. I quickly put my hood on and fish out my phone.

I send a text to Keigo, asking him to come as soon as possible. Around thirty seconds later, he's there.

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