Chapter 28

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"Fellow classmates please calm down! Aizawa sensei should arrive soon!"

"Girl look at my new shoes!"

"The look cool, ribbit"

"Revelry in the Dark"

"Put your tail somewhere else I almost tripped on it!"


"Are you okay Todoroki san?"



"Kaminari come on! Not now!"

"Momo is so hot!"

"Shut up Mineta"

"You tell him"


"K-kacchan please calm down..."

"Calm down, baby, he didn't mean it!"

"But Sero is right! Look at him Kiri, he's gone all lovey dovey for you! Like in the films!"

I dig into the conversation "or in his romance mangas!" I wink it the Bakusquad and stick my tongue out to my brother.

"Hana Chan? No way! Why are you here? Not that I'm not happy but still. And what do you mean by his romance mangas? Wait. DOES HE READ ROMANCE MANGAS?!" I am currently being attacked by a pink alien, who most likely decided that she was going to kill me by crushing all the bones of my body in a hug.

"Mina... Can't... Breath..."

"Oh yeah sorry" She chuckles nervously and sit back down on the table she was previously at. "You still haven't answered my question, though."

"Yeah, he does read romance mangas and as to what I'm doing here, well, I'm joing your class of course! I passed the tests!" I announce cheerfully. I'm once again pulled into a tight hug, this only lasting only a second before Mina starts jumping up and down, dancing around the tables, squealing and saying things in a such high perched tone that I can't make out anything she says.

After a while, she comes back to me and hugs me again, before saying "Oh my God Hana, that's amazing! I'm so happy! You're gonna be my bestie even in class! That's so cool! Oh my fucking God my best friend is gonna be in the same class as me! I'm so happy! Oh my God!" She squeals again and shakes me back and forth, so fast I might get motion sickness.

"That's great to hear, Bakugo San" Iida says from behind me. I cringe as I hear my name. "You know you can all call me Hanako, right? 'Cause if we're two Bakugo's... It's gonna be confusing."

"Oh right, I understand. I'll just have to call you Miss Bakugo!" He shouts as he chops the air with his hands. Honest, this guy gives me the creeps. I'm totally mortified by his answer so I turn back around and decide to ignore his weird demeanor.

"Th-that's good Hanachan..." A small pathetic voice mumbles from behind Katsuki. I step aside and glare at him right in the eyes, I see him shivering.

My brother smirks at my reaction.

"'M proud of you Hana" He says in a low voice, only for the Bakusquad (and this stalker Deku) to hear.

We all smile and start talking among ourselves, sharing anecdotes from our childhood and even planning a weekend we will all see each other.

Suddenly, a chill runs down my spine. I turn around quickly, and my red orbs meet with even brighter red ones. Shit... Aizawa...

"All of you go take your seats. God, I'm not paid enough for this." He sighs.

Under The Mask MHA x OC (Bakugo's sister)Where stories live. Discover now