Chapter 17

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Katsuki lunges at me, with an amazing speed thanks to his explosions. He swing his arm to punch me but I catch it and twist it. As I hold his arm behind his back, I attempt to hit his pressure point but his hand emits sparks and throw me off.

I fly back, the middle of my shirt burnt and my stomach on full display. I hit my embarrassing by roaring at his and running full speed toward him. I dodge his fist and sweep him. He loses his balance but grab onto me, making me struggle to stay stood. I kick him in the back but he slides his legs under me and makes me lose my footage.

I fall onto him but he sends me backward with and explosion.

I'm used to his explosion, we often train and fight each other.

We fight back and forth, kicking and punching each other while he uses his explosions. Soon, there is smoke everywhere. I feel my eyes water so I close them, anyway I couldn't see anything in there. I just relay on my ears.

I hear a small grunt behind my and I swear I felt the air move. I grab his arm as he is about to set off an explosion.

I relay on my other senses and dodge his body, then I twist his arm with force. He sets off an explosion but this time I'm ready and I nearly break his wrist as I press his palm against his back. He grunts in pain and I kneel him in his lower back.

He uses his other hand to propulse himself in the air, this time grabbing me with him. I finally open my eyes and, even if I have nothing to grip on, I manage to dodge his attacks. I try to attack him to but he relays on his quirk to escape it.

I finally land on the ground, rolling to dodge his body and sending my legs over to him. It hits his face, making his nose bleed.

We fight with everything we have until we end up each one at a side of the stage, bickering.

"You bitch! How did you become this strong?"

"You bastard! When did you start underestimating me?"

"Fuck you!"

"Go to hell!"

"I'll kill you!"

"Not if I kill you first you damn pretty boy!"

"Who you calling pretty boy?"

"Maybe the one who got himself a boyfriend before I did?"

"That's because you're just an ugly bitch!"

"You're going to regret that!"

With that said, I walk up to him and we start fighting like children. He pulls my hair, I bite him. He twists my arm, I use my nails to make his grip loosen.

"Ah! You hag! Watch your claws!"

"You fucking ungrateful brat, I'll show you what are real claws!"

The class can only look at us dumbfounded. We really are dumbasses.

After ten minutes of messing around, the damn bastard starts to tickle me. I laugh so hard, I feel like my lunges are going to explode.

I kick him off and he stands up, chuckling. I do the same, giggling.

Then he mocks my giggle and we start bickering again. Playfully. Haha, silly him. I'm ready.

We both roll like angered cats but when we stand up, we're just next to the bounds. I go to him full speed and push him out, using my whole body to do so as he really is kind of buff.

He doesn't move. He just take a step back. Then he looks down in shock. One of his foot is out of the bounds. I won.

I jump up and down in joy and I run everywhere, stopping once in a while to hug Mina or Katsuki or Kirishima.

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