Chapter 30 - Last part

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It has been three days since the doctor said that sentence 'he will live'. From that moment, I have stayed right next my brother's bed. The only people allowed to go there are my parents, my cousins, my grandma and me. I used my influence, as Kurokage, to make them allow his friends there, or at least Kirishima. Fortunately, the secretary was a huge fan of mine so she accepted immediately.

I have been sleeping on a chair for three days, my friends came here sometimes to check on Katsuki. Keigo is at the same hospital, his throat is severely burnt so he cannot speak. Todoroki has the same problem. Deku is in coma (won't say I'm sad), Aizawa sensei is bedridden since he lost his leg.

A lot of students and heroes went to the hospital, Rumi, too. She would have lost her arm and leg if it wasn't for Eri's power, rewind. This girl was saved a few months ago by Mirio and Deku and now she is starting to learn how to control her power. She saved Mirko and many other heroes. I believe she is the true heroine of the day. Unfortunately, she couldn't save Aizawa's leg.

I raise my head when I hear a noise.

Katsuki who was sleeping soundly a few minutes ago is now opening his eyes!

"Katsuki!" I scream. I jump onto his and hug him, making sure not to hurt him.

"Hana, get off me" He groans. I stick out my tongue as a childish sign of rebellion and keep hugging him. I am so happy that I start crying. "HANA!!! STOP THAT YOU BABY!"

"SHUT UP, I'M JUST SO HAPPY" I cry even more.

In the end, he shoved me off him. I fell on my butt and kept crying. I had to explain what happened after he blacked out and I realized that I don't know anything about the villains since I hadn't left the hospital.

We left the hospital together and went back home. Mom and Dad were very relieved.

Now I am listening to the interviews the heroes had to answer. People are accusing Endeavor of child abuse and his children pressed charges against him. Toga got caught after two days. Keigo had to explain why he killed Twice, I will talk to him about that. A lot of heroes stopped working after the big battle, it was crazy.

Then came the big question. What did Kurokage do in all that? Where is she? Who is she? Is she a hero, now?

They didn't answer, saying that I was the one who would answer. I bite my lip. I will have to go on an interview.

"How did you stop Shigaraki despite his powers?" The reporter asks.

"Well, at first Endeavor fought him with Eraser Head's help then Deku with Eraser Head's help then Bakugo saved Deku from getting killed and Kurokage shot him with a quirk erasing bullet." Keigo explains.

"Wasn't that forbidden?"

"Well, this girl always surprises us. She used something illegal to save the whole world. She knew there was no other way, all the heroes were out of action." He states.

"So, the salvation of Japan and the world was due to her?" The reporter insists.

"Yes, yes it was" I am shocked. I just shot him because he stabbed Katsuki!

My phone rings in my pocket. I pick up without looking who it is.


"Hello, Kurokage?" I choke on my words, Keigo never calls me that!

"What is it, Kei?"

"You have to come to the Commission this afternoon. I'll be waiting for you at the front. You don't need to wear your costume, but you should dress up" he says quickly before hanging up. I sigh. Of course, no explication...

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