Chapter 24

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They all stare at me for a few seconds before going full out into questioning me how I became her, how I escaped, why did I become her... That's just what I was expecting, actually.

Hawks answers most of the questions for me, making sure not to reveal anything too personal to the heroes. A questions sticks out, though.

"Does anyone know?"

I speak for the first time in this meeting "I told my brother yesterday, but besides Hawks and the villains nobody knows."

They all nod, taking the information in. After a few more question and me threatening them if they tell anyone about my identity, we are free to go.

As we walk toward the dorms, I sigh in relief. I didn't think it would go that well. They didn't criticize me nor did they judge me for my actions and for who I am. They just... Accepted it. Although they might still be in shock. I'm pretty sure they ate going to freak out as soon as they realize what it all implies.

"We keep that plan for your classmates?" The winged hero asks. I just nod to stunned by the previous scene to use my voice.

I pull my hood over my face and push the door, hoping to get in unnoticed.

But with my luck, that was impossible, I'm sure we all knew that. I sigh as I spot my brother sitting on a sofa, next to a very worried looking redhead. They are whispering to each other frantically. Oops, that might be my fault.

I head to the kitchen with the third hero on my heels. I lean on the counter and pull out my phone. I think I need to tell what's happening to my big bro or he might have an actual heart attack.

To Big bro 💥

🌸 Hana 🌸
Hey Katsu, Kgo and I have a plan
I told the teach
I'mma tell the extras
Oi answer me!
I'mma tell the extras !
Aizawa s going to call them downstairs
Then Hawks is going to tell them

Oi, fucking react or something !

Big bro 💥reacted to 'Oi, fucking react or something ! ' by '🖕'

🌸 Hana 🌸
Well fuck u too
Anyway, don't freak out
I got everything under control

Big bro 💥
Y did u rin off?

🌸 Hana 🌸
Cause I freaked out
Now shut up

Big bro 💥
U shut up

🌸 Hana 🌸
No u

Big bro 💥
Stop worrying
I can feel ur worried from here

🌸 Hana 🌸
K, I'll calm down
Wish me luck

Suddenly, Aizawa's voice could be heard through the speakers 'All the students must go in the living room now. The pro hero Hawks has something to tell you about the missing student Hanako Bakugo'

With that, I can immediately hear discussions behind me. Soon, the whole class is downstairs, wondering why a top hero would come and speak to them.

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