Chapter 3

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I wake up as I hear shouting from downstairs.

"Go check on your sister!"
"Uh? At this hour, she surely isn't at home you hag, you're losing your mind!"
"She's sick you brat. Now go see her. I'm sure she is worried about you."

Shit, shit, shit... I have to wear pants, or he will see my thigh. I quickly change into sweatpants and wait for him.

He bursts into my room. I run to him and tackle him in a hug. We land on the floor, and I keep hugging him.

"I'm glad you are safe" I whisper in his ear.

He lightly pats my back "You weren't underestimating me, were you?" He teases.

"Oh, come on! I was worried as hell! Tell me, you don't have any injury? Oh my god, I'm sorry, did I hurt you when I made you fall?" I started panicking. Even if I was there, I didn't take the time to check on him. I saw how All Might pushed him out of the way of the Nomu, if I caught his name correctly, and this was terrifying.

He chuckles a bit. "Stop mumbling, you're starting to look like Deku." 

"Ow!" I hiss at his comment. How dare he?!

We both get up as he starts talking. "I heard you are sick?"

"Uhm, yeah, I took painkillers some I'm quite okay now but every hour I have like a breakdown and my stomach hurts." I'm pretty good at lying, even if I don't like lying to Katsuki but I'm proud of my lying skills.

He hums in understanding and pushes me to my bed, saying "Then you should be sleeping Hana. That's not serious at all. Go to sleep. I will wake you up for dinner."

He forces me down as I struggle under his hold on my shoulders. He puts the covers over me and kisses my forehead. He then closes the light and shuts the door.

"That was close." I mumble to myself.

I sleep like an hour or two until Katsuki wakes me up for dinner. We eat katsudon and then we go shower, waiting for the other to have finished to take our turn. Katsuki takes an insane amount of time in the bathroom. He always does that. He does his shampoo then he dries his hair, then he puts on skincare creams... Such a princess. I only take like twenty minutes and that's already a lot. I shower, do my shampoo, dry my hair and use skincare creams and masks but I still spend half the time he does.

Then we read comics together. This night, I can see he was a bit shocked by the events of the day, so we end up cuddling in his bed. We do that often when one of us feels bad. This time it's him. I don't really mind, I didn't even planned to go patrolling so it doesn't matter. I make sure he is comfortable and fast asleep before trying to sleep too. I eventually fall asleep, and we spend the night like that.

The next day, Katsuki doesn't have school and I tell mom I'm still sick. I wouldn't mind going to school, but people would notice me walking strangely because of my thigh.

I spend most of the day reading the manga I stole from Katsuki. Who would've guess the big bad wolf would like love stories. Some moments are so cringe it's funny.

The day after, I have to go back to school. As I enter the classroom in first, like always, I think about my vigilante job. I should go back tonight. If I go the house block near the school, I could catch that perverted guys who keep harassing girls around here. Yes, I should do that. I sit in the back of the room. People slowly fill the space and start to talk.

The day runs s l o w l y... Yeah. We did nothing interesting. I already knew what we learnt. Hell, I stole my brother's notebook so I can learn something. Actually, in first year at UA, they don't seem to do a lot of new things. That's sad.

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