Chapter 25

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Hanako's POV
I slowly open my eyes, feeling dizzy and very tired. I turn my head to the right and I see a bunch of weird machines with graphics and scientific things. On my left are two sleeping boys, my brother, whose position seems very uncomfortable and his lover, Kirishima, who's got a little bit of drool down his chin.

I look for a clock, finding one above the door. It's ten am. When did I get here? Where exactly is here? I've been here once... I'm in Recovery Girl's office ! But I didn't hurt myself yesterday, did I?

I sit up, feeling kind of sore, but rather okay. I look down at myself, only to realize I'm not wearing any top, just bandages. My arms are all wrapped up too. I check my legs but fortunately I have nothing, just my pants (and panties underneath, of course).

"Hanabro, you're awake! Hey, Katsuki wake up, she's awake!" The loud voice makes me wince. My red hues are met with the boy's own and I suddenly feel very exposed and self-conscious. I grab the white covers and pull them up to my neck, acting as if I was cold but making sure to hide my scars.

The blond boy wakes up from the obnoxious sound next to him, bringing a hand to his left ear. He grunts then looks up at me.

"Hi" I tiredly greet. "What happened?"

"You passed out from blood loss. The wounds reopened." The voice of the old lady behind me makes me jump but I regain composure and nod.

"I guess the stitches weren't that good. Next time I'll be more careful. Where is my shirt?" I ask.

"Right here, sweetie. And no, there won't be a 'next time'. I never want to see an injury as bad as that, it took a hour of surgery. And if you ever hurt yourself, come to me instead of doing it yourself !" It's the first time I see a woman so sweet and nice yell. I'm taken aback at first but I shrug it off and nod eagerly, just wanting a damn shirt.

She hands it to me, but just when I'm about to grab it, she pulls it back. I sigh in annoyance and try to grab it forcefully. She just takes a step back and looks at me expectedly. I move forward, but I just end up hurting myself more. I grunt in pain and lean back on the headboard. I glare at her through the bangs which fell in front of my face. I quickly put them back behind my ears.

"Give it to me." I order.

"What's the magic word dear?"

A magic word? A freaking magic word?! Who the fuck does she think she is? What am I, five? So I answer "Give it to me, now."

The old lady, to out it in nice words, chuckles "that's not the magic word. Come on, what do you say...?"

I groan, just wanting my shirt. That dumb nurse is really trying to teach me manners? I have manners when I want!

I mumble a barely audible 'please' but that seems to be enough for her. I put it on as soon as I get a proper hold on it, wincing from the movement.

On the other side of the room, the blond and the redhead both laugh at me quietly, trying not to be loud. Failing.

"What are you guys laughing about?" I bark at them.

"Nothing, nothing" Kirishima answers. I glare at them and get on my feet, testing the waters. I soon realize that I've been in much worse condition during the past year so I shrug it off and put on my shoes. After that, I simply walk out, only to be stopped by this damn Recovery fucking girl.

"What do you want?" I rise an eyebrow at her.

"Miss, you can't get out like this, you've had surgery, you need at least two days of rest after that!" She scolds me.

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