Why me?

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Aru Shah's life was, to put it simple, miserable. She was a young woman working as some IT person, and her job sucked. She would much rather be writer, and let her creativity do all the work for her instead of her brain.

But she dealt with it.

She dealt with it for her mother, who was still grieving the loss of her husband. A mother who would stay strong for her. A mother who seemed to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, and yet didn't seem to crumble under it. This woman was Krithika Shah.

Krithika worked hard for Aru, and all she ever wanted was her daughter to be successful. Aru's job was boring, sure, but they paid well and it was nice to see Krithika smile for once.

But every now and then, Aru craved for a change in her life. For her life to become more fun, and much more interesting. 

And so it did.


Krithika had found a marriage proposal for Aru. Aru did not want to marry anyone yet. She definitely wasn't ready for a guy to be in her life.

Aru had only said yes to see her mother smile. But truly, she would rather give up all the Swedish Fish in the world than get married to someone. 

And of all people, Krithika had chosen Aiden Acharya.

As in Aiden Acharya.

The Aiden Acharya.

As in the rich guy who lived across from her. The guy who worked at the same office as her. The guy who had a billion girls following him at all times.

Yeah. That Aiden Acharya.

(Regardless, she couldn't wait to see the look on Poppy's face when she found out.)

Aiden Acharya had curly hair, dark eyes, and dimples. He was handsome, but Aru would never let looks be the reason she loved a guy.

Looks aside, Aru barely knew Aiden. He worked on the same floor as her in office, and they had done one or two projects together, but barely spoke. But based on what she had observed, he was introverted and always carried around a camera.

And so, Aru found herself pouring her heart out to her sister, Kara, and her best friend, Mini.

"You know, he is kinda cute..." Kara said, blushing a little as she stared at the picture of Aiden that Krithika had given Aru.

Mini just sighed and shook her head, "But it isn't going to work out if she doesn't like him."

Aru groaned. She picked up the picture of Aiden and glared at it. The Aiden in the picture innocently smiled back, as if to say, What? I'm not doing anything!

"Kara, you can have him," Aru said and she threw the picture back onto the table.

"WHAT?! When did I say anything about wanting him..." Kara blushed even harder.

Well, it was kind of clear that you did, Aru thought glumly.

Mini cleared her throat. "Anyways, what are we going to do about this? Aru agreed just to keep her mother happy, but it's a life-changing decision and will make things harder for her."

Aru wished she could just run away. Run away from her stupid job, from stupid Poppy, from her stupid life, and this even stupider Aiden Acharya. 

And suddenly she had an idea.

She sat upright and told Mini and Kara her plan. Both of them looked back at her, shocked.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kara fidgeted with her ring.

"Aru... That's... That's just... I don't know. Are you sure? You agreed to marry him for your mother, but doing that will just make her sad." Mini stated.

Aru paused. She hadn't thought about how her mother would react. She felt a bit of sorrow, but anger overpowered it.

I've done so much for her, Aru thought, And yet she wants more. Why does my mother force me to do so much? I don't want to marry someone I barely know for her!

"I'm sure I want to do this."

"B-but... You'll be alone," Kara stammered.

Aru looked up at her sister and best friend. A faint smile played on her lips.

"Who said I'll be alone?"


Aru shoved clothes into her bag. Her heart was pounding. What if someone caught her? And how would her mother react?

Aru paused for a second. She spun around, and stared at the wall of her room - the wall that contained her family's picture on it. It was old, as Aru had barely acknowledged it's existence in a while. It had four people: Krithika, Kara, herself, and a man, her father.


Suyodhana had died a year ago, and Krithika had suffered great anguish. They had been such a happy family. Krithika was just beginning to recover, and that was why Aru had said yes to her wedding.

She was making a rash decision right now.

You know what? I'll come back after the wedding's canceled.

Because Aru Shah was running away.

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