I'll talk to my mom about my love life.

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I honestly don't know what Aru was thinking in this chapter-

I promised a lot more Aiden POV, but you'll get it in the next one.

Also, I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but Krithika's personality is different in this AU.

Mild cursing!

Aru stormed into her house. Everytime someone talked about crashing her wedding, she would get mad.

Like, really mad.

She honestly didn't understand why, though.

Maybe it was because all this planning and running away and shit was really getting to her mind.


That's why.

Aru plopped onto the first chair she saw, pulled out her phone, and dialed her mom's number.

"Hello?" Her mom's voice could be heard from the other end.

"Hey, Mom. Can you come home? Like, now? We need to talk."


I am so not ready.

Aru bit her lip as she opened the door, revealing her slightly-annoyed mother.

"Aru, you had to call me now, didn't you? Malini and I were in the middle of discussing whether we wanted ivy green or emerald green invitations!" Krithika scolded.

Ugh. Mothers can be so annoying sometimes.

"Yes, Ma, I'm sorry about that. But I want to talk to you about something," Aru said. Her hands started sweating a little as she gestured for Krithika to go sit down.

Shit, I shouldn't have stormed off.

"What is it, Beti?" Krithika sat down in the dining room and Aru hesitantly took a seat next to her.

"It's about my..."

My marriage? My life?

"My future." Krithika just nodded.

"I don't want to..."

I don't want to what? Marry Aiden?

That... wasn't true. Aiden was amazing: He was super chill, really nice, nerdy in a cute way, and cared about his family and friends. In the past few months, Aru really had noticed a lot more about him.

Aru thought about actually living with Aiden. And the thing was, she could imagine a life with him that she never could've imagined with David.

Their life would be perfect: Aru would be a writer, and Aiden would pursue his dreams of becoming a photographer. Maybe they could have a family.

A girl and a boy, Aru thought dreamily.

For some reason, stuff that never made sense to Aru made sense now.

She liked him.

The unexplainable butterflies in her stomach when he laughed at her weird jokes and sarcastic comments? The swoopy-elevator feeling she got when he stood to close? The blush that crept up her cheeks every time one of her colleagues shipped them?

The signs had been clear. Aru couldn't believe it. For once, she was the oblivious Ammaamma.

At this thought, Aru burst out laughing. Krithika looked at her, a concerned expression in her eyes.

"Aru? Are you okay?"

"No... No! Oblivious... Ammaamma..." She managed between wheezes. Her mother stared at her as if she had just grown a head.

"Ammaamma? What's that?"

Aru looked at her, finally recovering from the laughter. Aaaand reality sunk in once more.

Well, she was supposed to talk to her mother about Aiden.


"Ammaamma... Uh, it's an inside joke," Aru said, shaking her head.

"Right... And you were saying something? About your future?"

Aru looked at her mother. She had her face scrunched up, and seemed genuinely concerned.

And so, Aru said the only thing that had been on her mind for so long.

But it wasn't about Aiden.

"I want to quit my job." Krithika looked shocked.

"Beti, what?" Krithika asked.

Aru braced herself for what was to come. Krithika would yell at her, for sure. Scold her about how the museum needed more funding, and how her future would be so much better with her current job.

What she did not expect was Krithika's gentle response.
"Well, then, what do you want to be, Beti?" Krithika asked softly. Aru looked up at her, feeling a billion emotions at the same time.

"A... A writer."

Krithika laughed, but it wasn't a mocking one. It was more of a how-did-I-not-know-this laugh.

"Oh, Aru, you're an excellent writer! I've read your diaries, they're so descriptive-"

"Wait, you did what-"

"-And you definitely won't struggle to make a lot of money in that job! Aru, I've always known you've had a passion for writing. Beti, you should've told me long ago!"

Aru sat there, shocked. And it wasn't just because her mother had read her very embarrassing diaries.

"I thought you would be mad," Aru whispered. Krithika smiled and cupped Aru's chin.

"Why would I be mad? I would do anything for your happiness." Krithika gently kissed Aru's forehead.

Aru couldn't help but feel so guilty. What was she thinking, running away? Leaving such an amazing mother like this?

Something was seriously wrong with her.


Aru fiddled with a leaf as she sat down on the park bench.

Her life was perfect. Really, what more could a girl want?

She was lost in her thoughts when a voice startled her.

"Aru?" She looked up to see, to her surprise, Aiden.

"So..." He said nervously, running his hands through his hair, "Did you talk to your mother? About, um, us? How did she, uh, react?"

Aru winced internally.

Shit. What am I going to tell him?


You guys should be excited for the next chapter.


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