Bonus: Kara x Bert (3)

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Forgot about this, lol.
For those of you who don't get it, Canadian Light is literally just a joke. I don't actually ship Kara and Bert, this is just for laughs.

He stared at the lady next to her. She was much shorter than him. She had chocolatey-brown hair that fell over her eyes. The sunlight just seemed to illuminate her features and make her seem prettier.

Bert had no memory of how he had gotten here. He was sitting on a bench in the middle of a city, his arm wrapped around a pretty girl who was asleep. Of course, any sane person would wake her up immediately and walk away like a normal person.

The thing is, he didn't want to wake her up. Her presence was...Comforting.

The girl stirred in her sleep. Bert quickly untangled his sleeve from her necklace before she woke up and made any assumptions.

The girl's eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at him in shock.

"Uh, hi?" Bert said, trying not to sound stupid.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, "I, um, I have to go-"

Bert felt a sudden wave of disappointment,

"Wait," He blurted, "who are you?"

The girl stared at him.

"Do you seriously not remember anything that happened last night?" She asked, an amused expression on her face.

Bert thought about it. He could vaguely remember getting drunk at the bar, but really, nothing else.

"Uh... No?"

The girl giggled and explained everything. And by the end, Bert's face was red in embarrassment, and the girl, whose name was Kara, apparently, was laughing uncontrollably.

"Man, you're much better when you're sober," Kara said, slowly calming down. Bert just rolled his eyes.

"I-I should go," Kara said, staring down at her watch. Bert just nodded. He couldn't help but think about how nice and pretty she was.

"I didn't even brush my teeth," Kara muttered, standing up.

"Yeah, I can smell it from here," Bert joked.

"Yeah, well, you were the one who was drunk last night," Kara snorted. Bert rolled his eyes once again.

"Mhm. I'll, um, see you some other time, I guess?" Kara seemed to have blushed, but Bert couldn't tell in the sunlight.

"Yeah. Some other time, I guess," Kara waved at him and walked away.

Bert couldn't help but feel strangely happy.


I didn't feel like writing a lot. I kind of gave up, since the main reason I did this was on a dare.

Woohoo, I'm marking this bool as complete (again, lol).

- Fishy :b  

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