Why am I talking to myself?

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Finally, Aiden POV!

(Guys I need help with my chapter names they're trash T~T)

Aru was finally back home, and Aiden was happy for her.

She still had a cast around her arm, and that bandage around her forehead, but the doctor said she would heal completely in about two months.

Until then, the Potatoes had decided to quit trying to wreck the wedding and actually chill.

"Both of you have already attempted to run away," Mini had said, "And that failed! Now Aru runs away, and this failed, too, except this time, she's hurt!"

And then Mini had proceeded to rant about how long bones take to heal and how even a year of physical therapy might not be enough to get back all her strength. Aiden had pretended to listen just to be polite, but really, doctor stuff wasn't that interesting.

"We should probably stop for a while," Kara suggested, "Maybe until Aru heals. And then we could figure something out. These many failed attempts in a row? It's like... A sign."

A sign that you and Aru are meant to be together, a corner of his brain had immediately whispered.

Stopstopstop! Aru doesn't like me, He thought. And after some hesitance, I don't like her either.

...Wait. Why am I talking to myself?

"Well, Aru's run away already," Brynne had turned to Aiden and nudged his shoulder, "It's your turn now, Ammaamma."

Aiden had groaned, very annoyed, and it wasn't like Rudy, his cousin and the only other guy, had helped. He was too engrossed in drawing things on Aru's cast.

Aiden still dreaded for his time to come. He was mostly worried about how Malini would react.

But until Aru was alright again, the Potatoes wanted to just... Hang out. Malini and Krithika were told that this was "bonding time" before their wedding, which sounded really cringy to everyone else, but sounded like the perfect thing for the mothers. So, of course, it was the perfect excuse.

Everyone usually hung out at Brynne's apartment, where Brynne and her uncles always made them the perfect food. Hira, Brynne's girlfriend, also joined them sometimes. She was a nice addition to the group.

Spending time with others was really fun. Aiden found that instead of holing up in his room and editing pictures all day, it was nice to play board games, binge stuff on TV, or casually just talk with friends.

Office was another thing, though. It was different, since it was the only time that Aru and Aiden met one-on-one. Since none of the other Potatoes were there, things would get kind of awkward. And their colleagues just made it worse, since everyone knew that they would get married in a couple months. Their shipping was intense.

Aiden knew that his colleagues loved new drama, but he didn't expect even his closest friends to turn against him when Aiden was a part of it.


Really, though, he couldn't blame them. It was tiring being stuck in office all day, and their annoying boss made things worse. Even Aiden enjoyed some gossip sometimes, but just as long as he wasn't in it.

But in the two months that Aru was healing, he had started talking to her a lot more. They'd become more than venting-partners: They were friends. And Aiden couldn't help but feel really happy when Aru had even mentioned to someone that they were best friends. They were really making progress.

One night, Aiden sat on his bed, looking through pictures in Shadowfax and sorting them out. He sorted them out by name: Mom, Brynne, Rudy, Mini, etc. He couldn't help but notice that one file had more pictures than the others: Aru's.

He'd known Aru for a couple months, but her file was already overflowing. Aiden skimmed through her pictures.

In one of them, the Potatoes were walking through a park, even though it was night. In the picture, Aru was leaning against a tree and laughing while Mini was talking. The natural moonlight seemed to make her skin and hair glow.

In the next picture, Aru and Brynne were sitting next to each other. Brynne was distracted, and Aru was helping herself to a greedy fistful of popcorn out her bowl. She had a mischievous glint in her eye. Aiden couldn't help but laugh at the memory as he moved on.

In another picture, Aru was tossing her braid over her shoulder with her good arm while talking to Rudy. Aiden remembered that this was when she was mimicking Rudy. Aru's braid was in midair, and she had on a natural looking smirk.

After that, Aiden saw a picture of Aru during Mini's birthday. Aru was being spun by Kara. The dress flared around her, and her hair was being lifted off her shoulders. Aiden realized that unlike Kara's makeup, Aru's didn't hide her face; instead, it enhanced her features.

Aiden clicked through all the pictures, and he didn't find a single one he wanted to delete.

Because Aru Shah seemed to look perfect in them all.


Finally! 10th chapter!

I can't believe I wrote so much, it seems like I started this yesterday...

My last update was less than 24 hours ago. Wow.

Thx for reading!!!


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