Bonus: Kara x Bert

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Yes, I updated this book. I wanted to write about how I thought other characters would get together in this AU, so these are some bonus chapters!

I will be marking this book as incomplete for now...

This chapter is my new TPQ ship, Kara x Bert. This was totally random, and only exists since I didn't want Kara to be 7th wheeling.


It's pretty short, but it will have more parts.

Slow updates, though!

Warning: Usage of alcohol. Do not use alcohol until you have reached the correct age for your area!

TY @sleep-can-wait and @Loife1m for the ship name!

Kara watched the sun as it set over the city, walking down the deserted streets.

This was a business trip, that's all. But recently, Kara found that shopping and spending time alone was escapism in its purest form.

Firstly, the guy that she had developed a crush on was engaged to her sister. They were getting married in only a couple months.

Kara had been fine with that, since both of them were against the wedding and had some stupid stuff planned about running away. Kara had believed she had a chance with Aiden.

Boy, she was wrong.

Aiden had gone off and kissed her sister. Now they weren't planning on crashing their wedding anymore.

And what made it worse? Aru knew that Kara liked Aiden. She'd even briefly mentioned getting Aiden and Kara together.

Kara knew she would never forget the look of pity on Aru's face as she revealed the news to Potatoes.

Really, though, it was stupid of Kara to like Aiden. Even if the wedding was canceled, why would he ever like his ex-fiancé's sister?

Lost in her own thoughts, Kara didn't notice someone walking across from her. Each of their steps seemed forced, and they swayed as they walked. In the darkness of the night, Kara could briefly make out their silhouette.

"Hello?" Kara called. The person stopped.

A guy, Kara thought, squinting as she walked towards him, seems to be my age.

As she cautiously proceeded towards him, she could make out more of his features through the streetlights. He had dark circles under his eyes, a beard that was half-shaven, and seemed like he might faint any second.

"Hello lady," The guy said, "Why are you here, hmm?"

His voice was slurred. Kara scrunched up her face, annoyed.

"Are you drunk?" She asked him. At this, the guy giggled. It was a high-pitched, babyish giggle that made Kara want to punch the guy in the face.

"Well..." The guy said after finally calming down, "Maybe."

And then he proceeded to faint into Kara's arms.


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