Yeah, it's definitely gonna be fine.

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Yeah... I kind of hate this one for some reason.

Aiden tapped his fingers on his glass of water as he watched Mini pace around his living room. Malini and Krithika hadn't come home yet, so they didn't know about what Aru had done.

"It's going to be alright. Right? Right. And Aru is going to be fine," Mini muttered.

Mini was attempting to comfort a very worried Kara, who had buried her face in her hands, but Mini seemed to be talking to herself more than she was talking to Kara.

The Potatoes (Don't ask- Brynne came up with it) had decided to wait in Aiden's house for any updates from Aru.

"Relax, Mins. Aru will be fine!" Rudy exclaimed, a goofy grin on his face. He clearly wasn't worried about Aru- Rudy just wanted Mini's attention, and it seemed to be working.

Mini looked up, a slight blush on her cheeks. Aiden guessed that it was because Rudy had called her "Mins".

"Yeah, Rudy. I hope so."

Aiden couldn't help but think that something bad was going to happen. He kept thinking about this morning. He thought about how Aru had said goodbye to him and the others, and how he probably wouldn't see her for a couple days, maybe even weeks. This made Aiden sad, but every time the feeling came up, he pushed it away.

"Okay, that's it. I can't bear the tension in this room. How 'bout we watch a movie?" Brynne asked.

Aiden looked up from his glass and glared at her, but Brynne just shrugged. But before Mini and Kara could react, Mini's phone rang.

"Well, that was fast," Aiden muttered.

"David's house isn't that far away," Mini replied, reaching for the phone, "I think she told us that she visited him whenever her mother wasn't home or something like that."

Mini answered the call.

"Put it on speaker," Brynne mouthed, and Mini obliged.

Instantly, the sound of someone weeping filled the room.

"I- He- Lied. Cheated- on me. Why? I-" Aru's voice could be heard from the other side.

She was speaking between sobs.

"Aru, speak clearly," Kara asked. But at this point, everyone could already make out what she was tried to say.

"He doesn't love me! He cheated on me, Kara!"

Everyone in the room was shocked. For some reason, anger coursed through Aiden's veins after he heard how upset Aru was. 

"He did WHAT?!?!" Brynne yelled.

Brynne seemed to be getting protective of Aru. Though they had only officially met yesterday, Aiden realized that they had started bonding over food, of all things.

"Relax, Bee-" Rudy started.

"Don't tell me to relax, snake!" Brynne snapped, and Rudy backed away.

Aru was still sobbing on the other end.

"Where are you, Aru?" Aiden asked, trying to make his voice as soft as possible.

"I-" Aru paused on the other end, as if she was thinking.

"Monter Lane," She replied, her voice shaky.

"Monter Lane isn't that far, is it? Can you drive over to my place?"

"I don't know!" Aru cried, "I tried to for the past couple minutes but- but I couldn't, I-" Her voice broke again.

Aiden understood how she felt. When he'd first learned that Mr. Acharya was cheating on his mother, he had been so shocked that he'd been unable to concentrate for even short periods of time. His thoughts had continuously been drifting to other things. Aiden couldn't even imagine how Aru felt, when David had cheated on her.

"I'm coming."


Aiden quickly threw on his jacket and flung open his front door.


He heard someone calling him, but all he wanted to do was comfort Aru. He'd only known her for a while, but Aiden already felt like he would do anything for her.

Aiden rushed down the road, desperate to get to Aru. As a couple minutes flew by, he quickened his pace to a fast jog.

And then, as turned to the right and the end of the street, he saw it- The familiar red car that belonged to Aru. The car was parked at the side of the deserted street.

The lights inside the car were on, and the windows were rolled up. Aiden could make out Aru's familiar silhouette. Her braid seemed to be resting on one of her shoulders, and she had buried her face in her palms.

But just as soon as Aiden was about to walk up to the car, a loud sound made him freeze. It was the sound of a... Car horn? Another car was speeding down the street, straight towards Aru.

The driver was going way too fast, and there was no way that they could've stopped in time.

"ARU!" Aiden yelled.

He watched as Aru sat up straight in her car.

And to his horror, he could do nothing but stare as the car crashed into Aru's.


Why didn't the car stop? I don't know.

Now, quit questioning the logistics and... read?

Yeah okay byeee

- Fishy

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