The plan will work!

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Aru's leg was furiously bouncing up and down, out of control. Well, this was fun. After the awkward interaction between Aiden and Aru at the train station, everyone had crowded themselves into Brynne's apartment to "discuss" the problem at hand.

"Discuss", however, would probably be the wrong word to describe what was happening. Aru and Brynne glared at each other, silently fighting over a cookie A/N A blue cookie? Yeah, sure, a blue cookie :D. Kara kept sneaking glances at Aiden, who was trying to talk Brynne into calming down. Rudy and Mini kept staring at each other and blushing profusely.

"Forget Aru. I want that chick," Aru had heard Rudy whisper into Brynne's ear while pointing at Mini.

Finally, Aiden had decided to break the ice.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's talk."

Brynne scoffed, "You're such an Ammaamma, Aiden."

At this, Aru had to stifle a laugh.

"A what?" She asked.

"Ammaamma," Brynne replied with a smirk on her face, "Means grandmother in Telugu. I mean, look at the guy! He carries a man-purse-"

"Satchel, actually-"

"Always complains about 'kids these days'-"

"Well, this generation just-"

"And he even gets tired at seven o'clock!"

"That was one time! And you were tired too!"

Maybe Brynne isn't so bad after all, Aru thought.

"Well, if you ask me," Aru smirked, "His name should be Wifey. He acts exactly like a wife who complains to their husband everyday."

Saying Aiden looked horrified would be an understatement.


Well, now that Aiden's nickname was "Wifey" and "Ammaamma" (Thank you very much, Brynne and Aru), they had decided to put all jokes aside and actually discuss what they needed to do.

"So, both of you are against this marriage?" Mini asked.

"Yeah," Aru said, "And the problem is, both of us can't run away. That's going to ruin both our mothers' lives."

Aiden bit his lip.

"So who's running away then?"

Everyone in the room froze. Aru stared at Aiden, and he stared back. Clearly, neither of them wanted to run away. They didn't have the courage to face their mothers, and they didn't want to upset their mothers either.

Aru finally sighed, "I'll do it."

Aiden blinked. That was- brave of her.

"Are-Are you sure? You don't have to. I mean... Well, I guess..." Aiden managed to stammer.

He had to admit, Aru's bravery had surprised him. She was crazy in a way, but she was smart and brave, and deserved credit for that.

"I can do it. Actually, I have a boyfriend. Maybe I can run away with him, and come back once the wedding is canceled. If you run away instead, my mother will probably just find another proposal."

For some reason, Aiden felt a little annoyed once he heard Aru had a boyfriend. What was it- Jealousy? No way.

Then Kara, a girl that Aiden had barely even noticed, spoke up.

"Well, then, I guess Aru's running away again?"

Aiden looked at her, and she blushed before turning her head. That's weird.


Aru, Aiden, Rudy, and Kara got out of Brynne's car. The rain had stopped, but it was still dark, and Aru was very, very sleepy. Rudy and Kara immediately went back to their houses after a quick "Good night". Aru and Aiden, however, watched as Brynne drove into the night so that she could drop Mini at her house.

"Well, that was... Interesting," Aiden finally said.

Aru laughed. "Interesting" was an understatement. Her life felt like one of those dramatic rom-com TV series. Fun.

"Well, other than the fact that we may or may not get married one day, we don't know anything about one another," Aiden said, looking down at her.

His face was illuminated in the streetlights, and Aru looked up at him. Why was she just realizing the way his eyes were so dark, and upon closer inspection, seemed to have tiny golden flecks in them? Why was she just realizing that he smelled like fresh laundry and cooking spices? Why was she just noticing how he had a habit of running his hands through his silky, curly, hair that sometimes stood up like devil horns? In fact, his hair was sticking up right now. Aru had the sudden urge to run her fingers through his hair to fix it. But, there were two reasons she couldn't do that:

1) That would be AWKWARD. They were, what, friends? Acquaintances? Besides, he had girls like Kara to do that stuff to him.

2) He was, well, way too tall for her to reach his head.

Aru shook herself out of her thoughts (And made a mental note to ask him about which soap he used).

"Well, why don't we start with the basics then? We didn't formally meet each other, did we? Not even at office," Aru replied.

Aiden shrugged, "Why not? Well, my name is Aiden Acharya-"

"AKA Wifey," Aru muttered.

"-and I like photography," Aiden finished, ignoring her.

"Well, my name is Shah, Aru Shah. I devour Swedish Fish, and love binging Lord of the Rings," Aru said with a smirk.

Aiden laughed, a sound that reminded Aru of wind chimes. She could listen to that sound forever and- Wait, what was she thinking?

God, she really needed some help.

"Well, then, Shah, guess we should go home. It's getting late, isn't it?" Aiden replied, returning the smirk.

"Of course, Wifey."

Aru waved goodbye, and silently snuck back home without waking up her mother. She tip-toed past her mother's room, then Kara's, in which Kara was already asleep, and finally opened the door to her own room. Aru crashed on her bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

Because tomorrow morning, she would be running away with David, and she needed all the energy she could get.


Yay! I finally made a decent-sized chapter!

I was bored today and decided to do something, lol.

Should I make a book of Aru Shah One-Shots? SHOULD I?!?!


Okay byeeee


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