What are you doing here?!

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It was dark outside, and the rain was pouring. Aru didn't mind. She liked the rain.

Aru quickly hurried into the train station, and waited for her train to come. Her hair and clothes were drenched. Instead of quickly running to find shelter like the others, she slowly strolled, enjoying the feeling of the cool water falling against her skin.

Aru chose the one bench that didn't have a roof above it, and sat down. She received some looks, but she didn't mind.

She had some time before her train arrived. Aru thought about what had happened while she was talking to Mini and Kara, basically reliving the moment.

"Who said I was going alone?"

Kara and Mini stared at her.

"Are you... Are you bringing one of us along?" Kara asked. Aru shook her head.

"There's something I haven't told you guys. Something I've been hiding," Aru paused and took a deep breathe, "I have a boyfriend."

Kara stared at her, her mouth wide open, and Mini basically squealed. 

"You have a boyfriend?!"

"Yeah. His name is David Kyrre. He's... really nice." She explained. A/N David was mentioned in one of the books. Whoever guesses who he is gets a blu cooki 🔵🍪 ;)

And so, Aru was waiting for David to come. Her plan was simple. She would run away with David, wait for Mini and Kara to confirm that the wedding was cancelled, and then she would come back to explain things to Krithika. Of course, Krithika would be mad, but Aru knew it would be worth it at the end.

Aru definitely couldn't and wouldn't marry Aiden. They were so... Different. David, however, was funny and carefree, just like Aru.

At this point, almost everyone at the station had taken their trains and left. She was one of the only people still sitting there. In the distance, she saw a person walking towards her.

David? Is that you?

Aru stood up and turned towards the person. From where she was, she could tell that it was a guy.

The man walked closer and closer, until he came to a stop in front of her, just like Aru's heart had come to a stop as soon as she realized who it was.

It wasn't David.

"You." The man whispered.


Aiden couldn't believe he was running away. He was really confused about where he should go. And it didn't help that it was raining, as well as the fact that it was really dark at night. He walked briskly, until he saw a person sitting on a bench.

Maybe I can ask them for help.

Aiden walked closer and closer to them, until he could make out that it was a woman. She stood up, as if acknowledging his presence.

He walked closer and closer. The woman seemed... Familiar.

Aiden stopped in front of her, face to face, and it suddenly dawned on him who she was.

"You." He whispered.

Opposites - An Aru Shah FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now