I dOn'T wAnT tO dO tHiS.

564 7 72


Some cursing. I'll try to use asterisks(*).

This is a pretty short chapter.

2 months later...

It was finally time.

Aiden had been dreading this day for two whole months, and it was here.

To be honest, he was having second thoughts about all of this.

Why not just marry Aru? Why not just live happily with her?

He knew why. It was because Aru didn't love him. And he didn't love her. They would never be happy together. Maybe all Acharyas were fated to be hopeless in love.

It was either to run away and spoil his mother's life, or to give up and spoil his and Aru's life.

Aiden knew he couldn't choose the latter.

What would Aru think if she knew what Aiden was thinking? She would probably call him a snob and talk to him about how they shouldn't give up.

Aiden didn't want to run away. Aru would've gladly taken his place, but her broken arm never would've let her. She had the cast off, but she still seemed to be struggling to use it properly. (A/N Is this what happens? No clue, I never broke a bone.)

So that night, as the Potatoes crowded into Brynne's apartment to "discuss matters'' again, Aiden thought about bringing up these points. About how running away wasn't really the best option.

Would they listen?

Probably not.

Plus, Aiden didn't really have the courage to bring this up. How would Aru react? Would she be sad? Disappointed?

Really, he didn't want to know.


Aiden sat in his car, tapping his fingers against his steering wheel.

He was ready.

Oh, come on, who was he kidding? He was not ready, and would never be.

His plan was simple: Now that Malini and Krithika were outside to customize their invitations (A/N Indian weddings need, like, six months of planning no cap), Aiden would leave a note in his room about how he was against the wedding. He would drive away to Uncle Boo's house, where his uncle loved him so much that he didn't question any of his visits.

Outside the car, Brynne, Kara, Mini, Rudy, and Aru were all watching him.

So was this how Aru felt? Like the pressure of the world was on top of her when Aiden had stared at her so hopefully, wanting to get this marriage sh*t out of his life?

Aiden couldn't take it.

Should he just tell them? Just tell them that it would probably be better to confront their mothers instead?

Aru definitely wouldn't like that.

What if he just said no?

Aru wouldn't like that, either.

It seemed like there was nothing Aiden could do without getting Aru mad.

I can't take this anymore.

"I don't want to do this," Aiden blurted. Brynne raised her eyebrow.

"Whaddya mean?"

"I don't want to do this," Aiden repeated.

Gods, he probably sounded so stupid right now. Aru was probably starting to get really mad at him. What he didn't expect was for her to take his side, saving Aiden from having to explain.

"He's right," Aru said, massaging her forehead with her right arm, which was the one that wasn't affected by the crash, "I can't take this sh*t anymore. How the h*ll are we going to run away without hurting one of our mothers? Our lives are seriously f*cked up. You know what? I'm talking to Mom about this. I don't even give a f*ck anymore."

With that, Aru stormed off to talk to her mother, leaving behind a very shocked Aiden, and an even more shocked group of Potatoes who were still trying to process what they just witnessed.


My bff changed the titles names. Don't ask.

Why am I updating so much these days? Idk. I rly wanna get this over with and start another Aru Shah AU from my Start of the AUs book.

This book is gonna end soon, btw. Js a couple more chapters left. Maybe three, not including this one.



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