I don't need the hospital.

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I changed the cover since I didn't want all my book covers to be the same :)

Aru woke up to commotion. A lot of commotion.


Aru could hear her mom's voice. Everything was so blurry, but she could hear perfectly fine. (A/N My mind just played the Taylor Swift song "Mr. Perfectly Fine" for some reason-)

"Mom?" She called.

Aru tried propping herself up on her elbows, but that just made her head hurt. She felt a warm pair of hands gently put her back on the bed.

"Lay down, Beti."

Aru's vision was starting to clear a bit. She could make out the faint outline of Krithika sitting next to her bed.


Why was her room white?

Aru blinked a couple times, until she could see clear enough, and took a look around the room she was in.

She wasn't in her room.

She was in a hospital.

Last thing she remembered, she was driving home from David's house, and broke down in the middle. Didn't Aiden say he would come to get her?

In the room, there was her mother, Krithika, and the rest of the Potatoes, even Aiden. Malini was there as well. And then Aru realized a doctor was hovering over her, checking her wounds.

Aru had a broken arm, and a bloody bandage was wrapped around her head.

"W-what happened?" Aru stammered. A look of sadness flashed across Krithika's face.

"You were in a car crash. What were you thinking, Aru, going outside before the wedding? I told you to stay home! If the wounds were much worse..." Krithika's voice wavered.

"How long was I out?" Aru asked, diverting the topic. Krithika seemed even sadder.

"Two days."

Two days?

Aru blinked. That was a long time.

Krithika managed a smile and blinked away tears.

"Aru, you're lucky that Aiden happened to be taking a walk at that moment! He saw you and called the ambulance immediately. Such a wonderful son-in-law," Krithika paused to beam at Aiden, which earned her a weary smile.

"Anyways, this is Aiden. You two were supposed to meet this weekend at the coffee shop, but unfortunately, or, should I say, fortunately, you guys can meet earlier. Come on, guys, let's give them some time alone."

Aru was confused. She had already met Aiden officially, hadn't she?

And then it hit her: She had, but not in her mother's eyes.

Krithika probably thought that they hadn't met officially yet, since she didn't know about them running away and stuff, and that was probably why she had arranged for them to meet that weekend.

Everyone left the room, leaving Aiden and Aru alone. Aiden walked over to her and sat next to her bed.

"So... How do you feel?"

"Well, how do my wounds look?" Aru asked. Aiden winced.

"There's your answer."

Aru's head was throbbing. She didn't know why, she felt mad. At everything. She heard Aiden sigh.

"How are you taking the news?" He asked, changing the topic.

"What news?" Aru asked, though she knew what he was talking about: David.

"You know, about... Um..."

"Fine," Aru said flatly, "He's a jerk and I don't care about him anymore."

Aiden seemed surprised by her response, and looked as if he expected her to burst into tears. So once again, Aru changed the topic. Seems that there really was nothing safe to talk about.

"I'm sorry, Aiden. I failed." Aiden shook his head.

"It's not your fault, Shah. If any one of us were in your position, we would've done the same and felt the same. Don't beat yourself up about it."

At this, Aiden bent down and brushed a lock of hair out of her face. Aru immediately blushed, and so did Aiden.

"Sorry- I just, uh, it was on your face and it was bothering me, so I, um-"

Just then, a doctor walked in.

"Mr. Acharya, she needs some rest."

The doctor handed Aru some pills, and with some hesitance, Aru swallowed them with water.

"Oh, and, um, one more thing I forgot to mention," Aiden said quickly.

Aru looked up at him, resisting the power of the sleeping pills.

"I'm sorry about what happened with David."

"Don't be. He never loved me."

And slowly, Aru was dragged into the land of sleep.

But she could've sworn she heard Aiden say, "Maybe he didn't see you in the right light, Shah."

But she must've been dreaming.


So... What do you think?

TOW reference at the end!!! Idk if it makes sense it this context, but I just wanted to use it, lol.

This book has a lot of Aru POV, so sometime soon, I might do a really short filler chapter sort of thing for Aiden's POV, since so far, the plot didn't really need a lot of his thoughts.

You might see some more Aiden POV in later parts of the book, though. (I mean, Aru ran away, so soon it's Aiden's turn, isn't it? 😉)



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