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This is it, guys...

Also don't ask me why the heck Malini is drunk. My friend wanted me to add that into my book lol.

Also I didn't want Kara to be 7th wheeling so she ended up with Bert <3

BTW, Aru and Aiden are Indian so I'm, like, 99% sure they would have an Indian wedding because of their mothers.

One year (and four months) later...

Aru kicked off her sandals, pulled her feet onto the couch, laid her head on Aiden's shoulder, and cuddled close to him. She felt Aiden wrap an arm around her and pull her even closer than she already was. Aru smiled, enjoying his warmth.

She scanned the room. Every single one of the Potatoes were over at Aru and Aiden's house, plus their families. Krithika, Malini, and all the adults were laughing over some drinks.

"You know- hic- when I first saw Aru, I thought she was- hic- arrogant, but then I met Krithika, and-hic - I got to know her better!" A very drunk Malini was explaining things to all the adults.

Brynne and Hira were leaning into each other on another couch. They'd gotten married a month or two after Aru and Aiden had. Mini and Rudy were standing in another corner, holding hands. They'd been dating for months, and when Rudy had finally "manned up", they had gotten engaged.

Kara had found another guy named Bert, and Aru had immediately thought about middle school, when she had made up a boyfriend in Canada named Bert for the fun of it. Kara and Bert had only started dating recently. And the weird thing? Bert actually was Canadian.

Thinking about how Kara used to like Aiden made Aru snort internally.

It was weird how everyone seemed to have grown up. It only seemed like yesterday when they had all crammed themselves into Brynne's apartment to crash their wedding. Except today, they'd met to celebrate Aru and Aiden's one year anniversary.

Aru flipped the next page of their wedding album and tried to listen as Aiden pointed out the pictures.

"-And remember this one? This is right before the wedding, when I snuck over to your room and gave you some flowers..." Aiden was pointing to a picture of Aru in a traditional Indian saree and wrapping her arms around Aiden, who was holding flowers and wearing a sherwani. Their clothes perfectly complimented each other.

Aiden moved on to the next picture, in which their friends were all posing in pictures with them. But, really, Aru wasn't looking at the pictures. She watched as Aiden made elaborate hand gestures and spoke so happily. His eyes shone with joy and his curls flopped over his eyes every time he moved.


God, she loved it when he called her "Shah". That was the only reason she'd never changed her name: So that they could continue calling each other by their last names whenever they wanted.


Aru snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Aiden. He gazed down at her, concerned.

"Uh, you were staring at me? Are you okay?"

Aru laughed a little, blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Yeah, I was just... Looking."

Aiden laughed and rolled his eyes. Unexpectedly, he leaned down and his lips met hers. Aru smiled against his kiss.

Aru thought about how she'd thought she would never end up with Aiden. She'd thought that David was more her type, since she was so carefree, just like him. But now that she thought about it, she was better off with Aiden. They complimented each other perfectly.

Aiden leaned back from the kiss, but Aru pulled him in again.


Maybe opposites do attract.


That's it.

It's done.




- Fishy

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