You're the last person I thought I would see.

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Aiden was the last person that Aru had expected to see at the train station.

What the -

And then she remembered Mini would probably kill her for even thinking about using curse words.

How did he find out I was running away? Is he here to catch me?

Her eyes went from his face to the bags that Aiden was holding.

So he's running away too.


Aiden had never expected to see Aru at the train station.

Why would she even be here? Did Rudy or Brynne snitch? Did she find out? Is she mad? Is she here to catch-

And then his eyes landed on the bags she was holding.

She's running away... 

Okay, um, this is awkward.

Aru spoke up before he could.



Well that was a short chapter. Guess I was just kinda busy :(

Honestly, I don't even know why I made this chapter. It doesn't really contribute anything to the plot, does it? It's just about them realizing each other's motives.

Also I made a cover yayyyy ig?

Tell me what you think :)


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