Bonus: Kara x Bert (2)

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Warning: Contains usage of alcohol!

Someone help me come up with a last name for Bert T~T

More parts will come...

Ew, was Kara's first thought, Ew, ew, ew. What am I going to do with a random drunk guy on the side of the street?

Kara stared at the man, contemplating her life choices. He had dirty blonde hair and tanned skin. He was really tall, too.

Taller than Aiden, Kara couldn't help but think, Shorter than Brynne, though.

Kara scanned his face for any signs of emotion and sighed. She changed his position so that he was leaning on her, one of his arms slung across Kara's shoulders. Once he was in a comfortable position, Kara flicked his forehead in an attempt to wake him up.

"Get up! What's your address?" Kara shook him, but he didn't respond. Instead, he just muttered some curse words about "woman these days" and proceeded to snore.

Ugh, he's so annoying. Why am I even helping him? Kara thought to herself.

Because you think he looks cute, A corner of her brain whispered.

Shut. Up.

Kara struggled to walk with the man leaning against her, but somehow managed to make it to a nearby bench. She lowered him onto the bench.

Yeah, that's enough, she thought, I'll just leave him here for tonight.

But, of course, it wasn't like fate would just let her leave. As she backed away from him and tried taking his arm off of her shoulder, she realized that she couldn't. His arm was still wrapped around her shoulders, and she couldn't lift it off.

At first, Kara panicked. She desperately pushed his arm off of her, until she felt something tugging on her neck. He looked at his arm and realized that her necklace had gotten tangled with a stray thread from his sleeve.

Oh no. Ohhhh no.

Here Kara was, in the middle of a city that she barely knew, at night, with a drunk guy, who she had somehow gotten herself stuck to. Nope, scratch that.

He had probably gotten his sleeve tangled up with her necklace on purpose.


"Kylie..." The man muttered under his breath, causing Kara to snap out of her thoughts.

I'm not Kylie, she wanted to say. The guy opened his eyes slightly. They were hazel, and Kara couldn't help but stare at him for a while. She shook her head and was about to say something, but he beat her to it.

"Kylie, don't go..." The man whispered, and his eyes fluttered shut again.

Breathe, Kara, breathe, she told herself.

Who was Kylie? Why was this guy drunk? It wasn't like people would get drunk just for fun, would they?

Kara thought about all the Indian movies she had seen.

Yeah, never mind. People do get drunk for fun.

Kara simply sighed and sat down next to him on the bench. He leaned against her, oblivious to what was happening. His arm was still wrapped around her.

This really isn't safe.

But something about this guy made Kara want to stay. She stared at the guy for a whole minute before finally deciding to do something.

Kara dug through his pockets, desperate to find his wallet.

Yes! I found it! Kara mentally celebrated as she looked for his name.

Bert Smith, and he's Canadian, Kara told herself as she scanned his wallet. Her eyes widened as she saw his picture. He looked... Handsome.

Kara smiled to herself, not only because Bert reminded her of Aru's imaginary boyfriend, but because... Well, she didn't really know why. It was because of his presence, maybe? No way.

She put the wallet back into his pocket. Bert's arm was slung over her neck, and his head was on her shoulder.

Kara watched him sleep peacefully until she, too, was soon dozing.


(ty @sleep-can-wait & @Loife1m for the ship name)

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