What You Think of Me (Virgil)

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Look at me doing another fic that's not Logan. Anyway this is a cute idea and I don't think it's a prompt but oh well. This is anological because it's one of my favorite ships.
TW: self doubt, swearing (like once)


It started out slowly. Logan and I would often hang out with each other, mostly because I didn't like how loud the other two were at times. Most of the time I would just sit in his room on Tumblr while he was working or reading. That eventually turned into a movie night once a week. Sometimes those were documentaries or conspiracy videos we watched and criticked. But tonight was Disney movies. He got to choose as I chose last time. 

I wasn't really paying attention to the movie though, I was more focused on Logan. The way his hair fell in front of his face when he got annoyed at something. The way he adjusted his glasses and tie when he's nervous. The way he smiles a little bit when he reads something funny. I was so lost in thought that I jumped a bit when he touched my arm.

"I'm sorry I was thinking. What do you need" I ask quickly, thankful it was dark and my foundation covered my blush.

"I asked if you wanted more popcorn. I am full and can't finish mine. Are you okay?" He asks looking concerned. 

"Oh yeah, sure I'll finish it. Yeah I'm okay just was thinking. No worries." I take the popcorn and turn my attention to the movie. Out of the corner of my eye I notice he is also watching the movie while typing on his computer. Movie nights between us there's an agreement that the other can do whatever during the movie, so I'm usually playing games or on Tumblr and he is usually working on his computer. It's not something we can do during family movie night because the other two think we aren't paying attention.

Time skip

A few days later I was making myself coffee and thinking about Logan when I realized. I was so startled by the fact I liked Logan romantically that I dropped my mug and it broke, and in turn startling Roman. I start picking up the pieces while still thinking about it.

"Panic! at the everywhere are you okay?" Roman asks helping me.

"Uh...Yeah. I think? I don't know. I guess I just have a lot on my mind." I say still trying to wrap my head around me liking Logan.

"Well what are you thinking about? Or are you thinking about a Prince Charming? I can see the blush through your pale foundation." Roman asks smirking.

"I...No! I mean...I don't know what you're talking about princey." I can feel myself blushing more.

"You are! You have to tell me who it is right now. Wait, lets go to my room. I can do your nails and we can talk about boys!!!" He doesn't wait for me to say anything, instead just drags me up to his room. Once in there he takes out the supplies and motions me to sit on the bed. 

"Soooo...who's the lucky guy?" Roman asks pulling out the black nail polish and grabbing my hand.

"Uhhh this does stay between us right." I say feeling a bit anxious.

"Of course Emo Nightmare. Though I might try to get you guys together." He starts painting my nails.

"It's...it's Logan. I just, he's so sweet and smart and his smile makes my heart melt and I love spending time with him and..." I take a breath and look at Roman to see him smirking, "Stop that"

"You are so totally in love with him that's so cute!!! I am going to set you guys up 100%" 

"Stopppp you're making this harder for me. And I don't even know if he likes me back."

"Nope I have decided to help you. Don't worry I will help you get your prince charming!"

"He could not like me. I wish I could just ask him how he feelings about me"

"I think he does Virgil. He doesn't get annoyed with you and he's just calmer and less stressed when you're around. He does." Roman says finishing my nails. 

"I don't know. What if I tell him and he doesn't feel the same and I make it awkward and we'll never be friends again." I say suddenly very anxious about this whole thing. 

"He wouldn't stop being friends with you Virge. And all you can do is ask. When is your next hang out anyway? Don't you guys always have one of those going on."

I blush slightly, "I think he mentioned wanting to talk about something later. At like..." I glance at the clock, "Shit right now." I get up and wave goodbye and quickly head to Logan's room. 

When I get there I take a breath before knocking. Even though Logan has told me I could just come in as long as the door is unlocked, I preferred knocking so he'd know it's me. After a second the door opens and Logan smiles just a little when he sees me. 

"Come in Virgil." He says holding the door open for me. I walk in and sit on his bed. He sits next to me and nervously adjusts his glasses before looking at me, "Virgil. I have come to realization that I am romantically attracted to you. Now I understand if you do not feel the same way as I do but I wanted to let you know."

I look at him for a second before pulling him into a hug, "Oh Logan I like you too. The same way."

We look at each other for a minute before both leaning in and kissing each other. It was the best thing in the entire world. He was so gentle, and a bit hesitant like he was worried I wouldn't want it. When we split apart we just sat looking at each other smiling. I move to cuddle up next to him and we stay like that for awhile, eventually falling asleep. 

I just love some sweet cute analogical. And some platonic Prinxiety. The perfect combination. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this. 

Word Count: 1002

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