Blood loss? (Roman & Logan)

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Concept: Roman gets hurt and passes out. Logan helps him. (Inspired by a Tumblr post I saw where someone talked about saying "Blood loss? No, I know exactly where it is")

TW: Blood, monsters, wounds, infections

Ship: Logince (Can be taken as Platonic or Romantic)


Roman knew the fight wasn't going to end well for him as soon as he started getting out of breath. Sometimes, imagination went wild. This was one of those times. Usually, Remus helped him with taming it (aka fighting off the monsters that appeared) but he was busy with his boyfriend today. Normally he'd just wait for him to be available, but imagination was the worst it's been in a while. They both had gotten busy and hadn't been in imagination for weeks.

He tried to regain his footing after being attacked by the monster but slipped. Cursing under his breath he tried to stand up quickly but was met with a sharp pain in his stomach. He gasped in pain and fell to the ground. Before the monster could attack again, he mustered up the last of his strength and teleported back to his room. He normally couldn't do that but imagination didn't have the same rules as the rest of the headspace. He slowly got up and went to his bathroom. He reached into the cabinet and pulled out his first aid kit, but cursed when he realized it was almost empty. It meant that he would have to go to the other bathroom, by the living room, to get the one that was in there.

He made his way slowly to his door and peeked out to see if there was anyone there. When he saw that no one was around, he headed out. He now was heavily leaning against the wall using one hand to try and stop the bleeding while the other one was on the wall, helping him keep upright. By the time he got to the stairs, he was out of breath and his face was very pale.

"Blood loss? No, I know exactly where it is" Roman says as he looks down at his blood-stained shirt and then passes out.


Logan caught Roman right before he hit his head on the floor. The wound was obviously more serious than Roman had let on. After gently setting Roman on the couch, Logan grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom as well as a wet rag. He sat next to Roman and carefully lifted Roman's shirt to inspect the wound. 

Indeed it was worse than Roman had let on. It was bleeding a lot and there was a giant hole in his side with something black oozing out of it. Logan bit his lip, unsure of what to do first. He could see that Roman needed stitches but he didn't know if the black stuff would cause problems later.

After a minute of indecision, he decided to start treating the wound as if the black stuff was infection. He carefully cleaned the wound, going slow so that it wouldn't hurt Roman too much, then sterilized the needle before stitching him up. The stitches weren't the best, he had never done them on a living person, just practiced on the fake skin, but Roman wasn't loosing blood anymore. 

He put away everything, cleaned up the area and took Roman to his room. He snapped them both into pajamas and laid Roman on the bed. He then settled on one of the couches Roman had in his room and read while watching Roman to make sure he was okay. He knew he shouldn't leave someone who was wounded alone without someone keeping an eye on them. 


He slowly woke up and groaned in pain. He blinked and looked around confused. He was in his room, but he didn't remember being here. He then remembered passing out in front of Logan and quickly moved his comforter away from him to check his wound. He winced in pain as he did that, and noticed it was stitched up nicely, way nicer than how he or Remus stitch up wounds. He was still looking at it when he heard someone clear their throat. He looked up to see Logan on one of his couches that face the bed, holding a book. 

"I recommend taking it easy for a few days to let that heal." Logan said, trying to keep his concern out of his voice.

"Oh...yes...Were you the one who stitched me up?" Roman asked.

"Yes. You passed out in the living room. I cleaned it and stitched you. There was something black coming out of it, so I would keep an eye on that just incase. Now, I'll be going as you seem to be awake and aware of your surroundings." Logan stood up and started making his way to the door.

"Logan..." Roman started unsure. Logan turned to him and raised his eyebrow. Roman continued after getting his thoughts together, "Thank you. I really do appreciate it."

Logan smiled, "Of course Roman. I quite like having you around. I wouldn't want you to get hurt like that." 

With that Logan left the room, leaving Roman to try and figure out his feelings. And to fall back asleep, as he was exhausted still. Falling asleep, he knew he had grown closer to Logan after this happened and that made him happy.

Word Count: 845

I hope you guys liked it! It was really fun to write and to figure out who I wanted to help Roman out. I am sorry about the delay between the last few chapters. I have an autoimmune disease and it kind of flared up. Spent a weekend in the hospital but I am all good now and feeling so much better. Have a good day/afternoon/night. 

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