You Broke Me First (Remus)

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I'm still alive. Here take this. Let me know if there's anything else I need to add to the Trigger Warning. 

TW: Unsympathetic Janus, implied abuse, cheating


Things started out great between Janus and I. We were the couple of the school. Everyone was jealous of us and Janus and I just were perfect for each other. I wish things stayed like that. After a while I could tell Janus was getting annoyed with me. I know I don't say things at the right time and I say things that no one wants. We hung out less and eventually I was begging to go out on dates. 

Maybe you don't like talking much about yourself

I felt like I barely knew him anymore. We didn't do a lot together anymore. I felt alone. My brother and his friends didn't like me. Janus and his friend, Remy, hung out elsewhere during school and after at school they seemed to always have a project going on. What happened to our relationship?

But you shoulda told me you've been thinking bout someone else

I swear my heart stopped the day I found out. I thought that I would surprise him on a weekend at his house. I planned a date and everything. I even showered. I decided to use the key he gave me so I could get in and just surprise him that way. Instead I was surprised. I walked to his door and found him and Remy kissing. I dropped the flowers I bought and the sound caused them to look at me. All I did was choke out a "we're through" before running out of the house.

You're drunk at a party or maybe it's just your car broke down, your phone's been off for a couple months so you're calling me now

Roman dragged me out to a party a month after what happened. I knew I was depressed, but the fact my brother noticed made it even worse. The party we went to was hosted by one of his friends, Patton. It was a cool party, not one I was used to tho. Most of the parties I went to with Janus had alcohol involved. I slipped outside to look at the sky when my phone went off.

When I answered it I heard a very drunk Janus. After a minute of trying to decipher what he said, I heard a small "I'm sorry". He then went on about how he loved me and he was stupid and Remy wasn't as fun as I was and that he wanted me back. Despite my better judgement I decided to pick him up and at least take him home. I told Roman I was leaving and to call me when he was ready to go home. And I went to pick up Janus.

I know you, you're like this, when shit don't go your way you needed me to fix it

We got back together that night. I didn't tell Roman in fear that he would make me leave Janus. We kept our relationship hidden from everyone. This time it was different than the first time. He would constantly complain to me. He also would expect me to fix things he did, like take the blame when he did something stupid. 

And like me I did, but I ran out of every reason

A month after getting back together, I broke it off again. It was too much for me to handle and with the amount of times I was getting in trouble for him, he could've gotten me into legal trouble and I told my brother I had gotten out of that group after an incident that sent me into juvie one night at the beginning of high school. 

Now suddenly, you're asking for it back, could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve

This time, he followed me everywhere trying to get me back. Roman had to kick him out so many times when he would drunkenly go into his room instead of mine. We finally had to change the locks on everything so he couldn't get in. In turn he would sit outside our house and cry all night.

 Yeah you could say that you miss all that we had, but I don't really care how bad it hurts

He would come by daily to beg me to get back with him. I started getting annoyed with him. No matter what I told him he wouldn't leave me alone. Roman and I decided to crash at one of Roman's friends houses while this was happening. Soon he seemed to stop. I started hanging out with Roman and his friends more often.


Took a while, was in denial when I heard that you moved on quicker than I ever could, you know that hurt

After he broke up with me the second time, I tried to get him to come back to me. I needed him and he needed me. After I noticed neither him or his stupid brother came home, I stopped going there. If I was going to get him back I needed to be smart. 

After a bit of me watching him from a distance, I noticed he hung out with one particular person more than the others. I got so mad. I knew I had to do something quickly. No one was going to take him away from me. I messaged him that I was hurt he moved on so quickly. I knew that would work.


Swear for a while I would stare at my phone just to see your name, but now that it's there I don't really know what to say

When my phone buzzed and I saw the message, I got really scared. I didn't know what he was talking about but it meant he was following me. I decided to show Roman's friend, Logan, as he was studying to be a detective. He and I have been getting closer, but we'd never be a couple. We are both on the  Aromantic spectrum. Though, I would say he is my best friend. I get to his house and just go inside. I find him working on his computer. I have to touch his shoulder for him to even acknowledge I'm there. I show him the message and like I thought, it was very concerning. 

I know you, you're like this, when shit don't go your way you needed me to fix it and like me I did, but I ran out of every reason

Instead of running to him, like he hoped I would, I stood my ground and didn't even respond to him. I knew he might try something, but I couldn't be with him anymore. Logan was investigating him, with someone at his internship. Apparently, this was a great way for him to guarantee he'll get a job there after graduation. The texts soon started pouring in, from how he misses me, to how he needs me because he did something bad, to threatening me. 

 Eventually, Logan and his partner got enough evidence. Janus seemed to think that I would do nothing because I also have a track record. But I took legal action. Logan and his partner arrested Janus and I testified in court and he was sentenced. Logan and I decided to live together as roommates. Everything worked out I guess. I still have things that I'm processing in therapy. 

I know the ending sucks. I started this before the last one I posted, got writers block with this, then had no motivation to write and went on vacation. Anyway, take this and a cookie. Hope y'all have a good day/afternoon/evening/night.

Word Count:1201

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