Bad Day (Logan)

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Concept: Logan struggles with ocd and has a particularly bad day with it.
This is also a slightly different style I'm trying out. Let me know if you guys like it or not.
Tw: ocd, panic attack, Remus (nothing said but he is here), unsympathetic patton

Logan always had to have things a specific way. His desk was organized by his standards and no one was allowed to touch it. He always got up at a specific time, ate at specific times, and didn't stray from this.
It wasn't just those things that he needed a specific way. There were other things, things the others didn't know about. How he needed his sheets changed daily. How he had to check a light switch three (or more) times before leaving a room. How he had to wash his hands after touching someone or something he didn't like.
He was always this way, as far back as he could remember he had these little "quirks". Most of the time he hid them but sometimes things don't go his way.
This morning started off bad. Logan knew that when he woke up to patton standing over him. After asking Patton, he found out he missed his alarm and in turn missed breakfast. Patton had brought the food up. Logan thanked patton and waited for him to leave.
After he was sure patton was gone, he set the food aside. Not only was it not time, but someone else had touched his food and that could end with him being deathly sick. Well, that wasn't necessarily true. Realistically nothing was wrong with it, but if there was something wrong with it and he ate it then this fear would be confirmed.
Shaking away his thoughts he got up and decided to shower, hoping that it would be the last of this day. When he finished and got dressed he noticed a note from Patton. Apparently he came in and noticed Logan didn't eat. Logan ignored it and walked out to the common room, hoping to maybe watch some tv with whoever was out there and forget his morning.
That was not the case, as when he walked out he saw his spot taken. It wasn't his spot but it was the only spot he would sit in on the couch. Apparently Remus and Janus had come to visit and his spot was taken. Messing with his glasses he heads into the kitchen for some coffee. He noticed the disappointed look Patton gave him, but ignored it as he kept trying to shake the thoughts from his head that something bad would happen because he didn't sit in his spot or get up on time or make his own food.
Hours later and Logan was close to a panic attack. Patton insisted on making lunch for everyone and wouldn't let anyone help him. That combined with the fact Logan had to eat with everyone else because patton insisted due to them having guests. The food wasn't even something Logan liked and he had to sit there and pretend to like it. Then Roman said something stupid and when Logan tried to correct him, an argument started.
Logan tried to read, but he sat uncomfortably at his spot at the dinner table as his spot on the couch was still taken and he would rather die than sit anywhere else. That also caused a lecture from patton because he didn't "spend time with the family". Dinner went fine but patton then insisted Logan clean up. Which meant his hands in dirty dish water. And despite his protests patton didn't budge. Patton also touched Logan's shoulder in a "friendly" way, which normally would be fine but today made Logan's skin crawl. It was like his entire body was on fire and his thoughts kept telling him he was contaminated now.
He tried to just go to his room after dinner, but patton insisted on family movie night. Logan ended up sitting uncomfortably in another spot, unconsciously scratching at his arm the entire time because of it.
Finally after what felt like days, he was able to go to his room. As soon as he got in there, he sunk to the floor crying. He couldn't breathe, everything was loud, his thoughts kept swirling. His arms hurt from the scratching, but he continued as if that would help the thoughts go away.
Eventually he calmed down enough where he stopped crying, but instead it was replaced by not moving. He had to stay right where he was otherwise the thoughts would come back. He didn't move when he heard the door open and shut and someone gently walk over to him. He quietly answered their questions, can I touch you? Would you like some water? How about a blanket or pillow.
He stayed like that, while the person got what he asked and then sat near him on the floor. For the first time that day the thoughts were quiet, and he eventually was able to sit up. After situating himself, he looked over and was a bit surprised to see Remus being the one who sat with him.
Eventually Logan got up and changed into something comfortable, then he and Remus cuddled up on his bed. Logan explained what happened, how his day was against him and his thoughts just wouldn't stop. Remus sat and listened and added some, very Remus, commentary now and again. Logan smiled as he cuddles into Remus, finally knowing someone understood what was going on.

Word count: 877
A/N please ignore spelling mistakes or if this doesn't make sense. It's almost 2am for me, I should be asleep and I have work in the morning but my brain won't shut off.
I have ocd and this is based on some of the things I experience day to day. I hope you enjoyed it.

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