Soulmates (Logan)

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I wanted to write something cute so here we are. This is a human soulmate au where you get a mark/tattoo of what represents your soulmate. I am so excited for this one, as this is the first time I've written LAMP. Enjoy!


Soulmate: a person who is perfectly suited for another

Lots of people claim that soulmates exist. I have never believed it. There can never be just one person who you have to spend the rest of time with. You meet so many people within your lifetime how can anyone match perfectly with one person only. No one really shared my ideas, especially since you have a mark that shows you something about your soulmate. It could be anything, a hobby they like, to an animal the represents them, to their favorite food. 

Mine was different, there was a black cat on top of what looked to be a play script, some coding books and a pair of circular glasses beside it on my arm. No one else I knew had three things that went together paired with the one that represented themselves. I knew mine was the coding books. I figured it just meant my soulmate had multiple interests. To avoid questions, I just wore long sleeves. Less looks and less human interaction.

I walked into a new coffee shop that had just opened up. I wasn't a fan of change but this place had been in the process of opening for awhile and I wanted to try it at least once. The man behind the counter looked over at me and smiled while I looked at the menu, standing a bit aways so others could order while I looked. When I decided I walked up to the counter.

"Hi, Welcome to Ebony Garden's Café, what can I get started for you today?" The man said cheerfully. 

"I would like an Medium Iced White Chocolate Mocha please." I say, while looking at him. His name tag said "Patton, He/Him".

"Will that be all?" Patton asked.

"Yes. Thank you." I say and pay.

"It will be right out, feel free to take a seat. I'll bring it to you when it's ready." He smiles and gets to work on my drink.

I sit down in the back corner so I can take a look at the whole coffee shop. It was very relaxing, it had dark wood all around and felt like a fantasy tavern. Normally I didn't care for this style, but I found it comforting. After a few minutes of just looking around, Patton came up to the table with my drink.

"Here's your drink. I hope you enjoy" He sets it down. 

"Thank you" I smile at him and finally I get a good look at him. He is on the shorter side. He has khaki pants on and a blue collared shirt and a grey cardigan on. I noticed the big circular glasses he wore as well as the fact he had freckles.

"Is there anything else you need?" He asks me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No, but I was wondering why this theme for here? I've never seen anything like this." I say.

"Oh! My boyfriend, Roman, wanted to open a coffee shop and he's this huge theater nerd. His last show was a fantasy where he was the prince. He got so inspired, he convinced his brother and his brother's husband to fund this. And the rest was just the basics of building it. I work here cuz it's always been my dream to work at a coffee shop."

"That is very cool. Well I will for sure be back. I find it calming here." I say between sips of the coffee. 

"I am so glad! Maybe you can meet my boyfriend one day. I think you two would get along. Anyway enjoy your coffee. I should get back to work." He smiles one last time and walks away.

Time skip

A month later I was back at the coffee shop. It became apart of my daily routine and I just enjoyed it there. Sometimes, Patton and I would talk, sometimes I would read. But today was different. Patton said his boyfriend had finally gotten a day off from the place he works and was going to be at the coffee shop today. I stopped just outside the door and made sure everything was smoothed out and looked okay before going inside. I don't know why I feel so nervous, they were dating each other.

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