Computer Crash (Logan)

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Concept: Logan's computer crashes right before he is able to save and he wants to give up. 

TW: I mention Remus and murder like once in this. 

Logan uses he/him in this and Virgil uses they/them

Ship: Analogical (can be taken as romantic or platonic) 


I had stayed up all night, even though I knew I'd regret it later. All I had to do was finish this paper and it would be over for the semester. This paper was the bane of my existence. Who knew wanting to become an astronomy teacher would involve so much writing?

I was almost done when my computer started making a weird noise. I knew that I had to get finished quickly, as it was almost due and the computer sounded like a plane trying to take off. Just before I was able to hit save, my computer crashed. I stared at it for a minute in disbelief. All that work just for my stupid computer to crash. 

I sighed heavily and then laid my head on my desk, "All is lost! I shall go into the blackness of despair and never more arise."

My roommate, Virgil, looked up from their phone and said, "Dude it's just a computer"

I picked my head up to look at my computer again, "But it's my computer. All my work, all my games everything. My paper which was due today, wasn't saved. I might as well drop out and beg on the streets."

"Okay, we need to get you out of here. I think you're getting brain rot. And didn't the teacher say it was due next week?" They come over and try to pull me away from my computer. After a minute of struggling against them, I give in and let them pull me away.

"I still have to completely redo the entire thing. Leave me here to rot as I wallow in pity." I say determined to not leave this room. 

Virgil just shakes their head and picks me up and slings me over their shoulder. I am reminded once again how strong they are, as they do it so easily. I huff but don't struggle. They carry me out to their car, then sets me down, "Lets go for a ride, it'll help clear your head."

Half an hour later Virgil pulls into a parking lot. They talked at me, mostly because I didn't feel up to talking anymore. There was a lot on my mind. In fact I was so lost in thought I didn't realize they had stopped driving until they tapped me on the shoulder. I get out and look around confused. They took me to a park, but it was night time so it's not like there was much to do. If it was Remus I'd think they were going to murder me here and bury the body. But it was Virgil and they wouldn't do that, most likely. 

"Virgil, why did you bring me to a park?" I say finally, after spending a minute trying and failing to figure out why we were here. 

"This is the best place that is somewhat close by we can look at the stars" They say as they grab a blanket and some snacks out of the car. 

I look at them in surprise, "Why do you have a blanket and snacks in your car?"

"In case one of my friends need a break from life. I keep them there so I don't have to worry about spontaneous trips and not having a place to sit or something to eat." They say, as if that was obvious. I nod and follow them to a spot in the grass. 

I help them lay the blanket out and then we both lay down and look up at the sky. I point out some of my constellations and explain the stories behind them. They listen, asking me questions at times. I actually enjoy my time with them, it was a nice break from school and reminded me why I wanted to study astronomy in the first place. 

After a few hours, and eating up all of Virgil's snacks, we finally head back to the dorm. I am in a much better mood and Virgil can see that. We talk about random things on the way back and by the time we do get back it's 4am. We both end up on my bed, because it's closer to the door, and fall asleep. Not worrying about my computer or the work I needed to do. 

Word Count: 704

A/n: I finally got this one finished. I started this one awhile ago, but didn't know where it was headed (I still didn't know until it ended where it did). I hope y'all liked it and you have a good day/afternoon/night.

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