Hanahaki Disease (Roman)

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TW: Hanahaki Disease (If you don't know what that is, please read the little bit at the beginning before the one-shot starts), blood, coughing, mentions surgery, mentions death. Please if you are uncomfortable with any of this skip, I want y'all to stay safe

Concept: Roman suffers from Hanahaki disease, will his love be requited or will the disease take over?

Hanahaki Disease: A disease where the person starts to cough up flower petals due to unrequited love. Flowers typically grow in the lungs of the person. The person will continue to cough up petals until they cough up whole flowers, at that point the disease has reached the end. There are two ways to cure the disease if the love interest loves the person inflicted back or surgery. If surgery is done, the person is unable to love again. 


I knew what I had the second the first time I coughed up a flower. I had researched back when I wanted to write a musical about it. At the time I thought it was beautiful, now it just reminded me how unloved I am. Normally, only one flower was coughed up, but I had three. A Grape Hyacinth, a Penny Black, and a Blue Hibiscus. 

I had known for a while that I liked them. It wasn't that surprising that the romantic side liked the other sides romantically. I was working on how to ask Patton out when I coughed up the first petal, the grape hyacinth. I had to look that flower up because I didn't know what it was at first. It hurt to know that he didn't like me in the same way that I liked him. 

Virgil's came when I was talking with him. I had been thinking about how pretty his eyes were and I wanted to just tell him when I started coughing. I hurried away from him and coughed into the toilet. In the blood, there was the petal of the Penny Black. It was really pretty, black and white in all the red. 

Logan almost found out when I started coughing up his flowers. I somehow managed to hide the flowers from everyone, mostly by staying in my room and talking very minimally, due to it hurting when I would talk. Logan noticed and started to come to me and just hang out. Despite the fact that I was coughing up flowers, I thought I might have a chance with Logan. The night I was going to tell him my feelings, I started coughing up more flower petals, among them being a Blue Hibiscus. I was in the bathroom, surrounded by blood and flower petals when Logan came to my room. He heard me coughing and knocked on my bathroom door. He was concerned, but I somehow managed to tell him that I was okay, just got a stomach bug and that it was probably best not to come around for the next couple of days. 

I was back in the bathroom, having spent most of the last few days there, when I heard a knock on the door. I knew by the way they knocked it was Logan again. He had been coming around more the last few days, despite me telling him I wanted to be left alone. I opened my mouth to answer, but went into another coughing fit, this one causing a whole flower to come up. It was Patton's. It also meant the disease was further along than I thought it was. 

Ending One - The Good One

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the bathroom door open. I looked up to see a shocked Logan, with the other two behind him. Patton pushed past them and ran up to me. He grabbed a wash cloth and started to clean up some of the blood on me. No one said anything while he did that, probably too shocked. 

When he was finished, he had Virgil get me some fresh pjs and Logan to get me some tea. Virgil and Patton waited outside the bathroom while I changed. I walked out to them waiting on my bed for me. I settled onto my bed, the other two cuddling into me. Logan walked in and handed me the tea and then he also joined us in bed. 

We were quiet for awhile, besides the few times I would cough. Finally Logan asked, "Is it Hanahaki?"

I nod, before seeing the other two look at us confused and say. "It's a disease where the person inflicted will cough up flower petals, usually they symbolize the person or people who you like but they don't like you back. A cruel reminder of unrequited love."

Patton looks at one of the petals he had picked up, the Grape Hyacinth, then asks me "Who does this one represent?" 

I stay quiet and Logan looks at it then says "Muscari Armeniacum, also known as Grape Hyacinth. This reminds me the most of you Patton. The coloring as well as the rounded petals which look a little like your glasses."

Patton gasps and looks at me, eyes wide with concern. I just nod knowing the question he was asking. He then pulls me into a hug. Logan looks at the other two flowers and then whispers something to Virgil. Virgil looks at me with concern and joins the hug, along with Logan. 

After a minute of just hugging, Patton finally asks, "Is there any way we can help you?"

I hesitate for a second before saying, "There is a surgery I can go through..."

Logan interrupts me, "But if you go through with that you will never love again."

"Well, yes. But that's my only option. The other one is unlikely and at least I will live with the surgery."

"What's the other one?" Virgil asks, looking like he's one word from spiraling into a panic attack. 

I say in a whisper, almost scared for their reaction, "If that love is no longer unrequited."

They are quiet for a minute. I almost think that I upset them when Patton gently pulls me into a kiss, "I do love you my prince."

I barely am able to full register what I was told before Logan and Virgil both tell me they love me. It doesn't happen right away, but the following weeks, I slowly stop coughing up the flowers, until finally I no longer cough. That night, we celebrate with a big dinner and then a movie night. We all fall asleep cuddling on the couch. 

Word count: 1024

A/n: That was fun. The plan is to do two more endings, following the different results that can happen with Hanahaki disease, death and surgery. They will come to follow in the next couple of days, as it's after midnight and I have work in the morning. Also look at me getting two oneshots out within a couple hours of each other. Go me! 

Have a good day/afternoon/night! And don't forget to take care of yourself. 

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