Touch Starved (Patton)

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Concept: When Patton becomes touch starved, he feels like he's physically starving. This is based on a Fanfic I read a while ago that I can't remember the name of. 

Ships: LAMP (Kinda, it can be taken as platonic or romantic.)

TW: Mentions of eating, throwing up, touch starvation, physical changes to the body due to sorta not eating, not eating due to feeling sick, getting burnt (not mentioned in detail)


Something the other sides didn't know about me was if I was touch starved, I felt like I was physically starving. I tried to prevent that from happening by hugging the other sides, or just sitting close to them. I could typically tell when it was starting, but this time I hadn't realized until it was too late. 

We had all been busy, Thomas was doing a big project and we were needed more often, which led to us spending less time with each other. Logan and Roman were especially busy during this, and Thomas needed his Logic and Creativity during the filming project. When Virgil wasn't helping, he was in his room, trying to prevent anxiety from spilling out too much. Janus and Remus tended to stay over in their area when they weren't filming or doing their jobs. This left me with a lot of time by myself. 

I had just finished a bowl of ramen when I realized I was still hungry. Without thinking too much about it, I made myself another one and sat down to eat it. I was a few bites in when the nausea hit. I ran to the bathroom and threw it all up. After I finished, I sat there crying. I knew what was going on and nothing was going to help me other than the others. But they were busy. 

When I finally left the bathroom, it was 2 in the morning and everything was dark. I quietly made my way to the kitchen and made myself a cup of peppermint tea, remembering the one time Logan had told me it was the best for nausea. After it was finished I tried to quietly make my way up the stairs, but tripped on the top step and spilled all of my tea on me and the floor. I cried out, in both shock and pain. Roman burst out of his room with his sword swinging. When he saw me on the ground covered in hot tea, he put his sword down and came over to me. 

"Padre, what happened? Are you okay?" He said, softer than I had ever heard him before. 

"Oh yeah, I tripped on the top step, silly me," I said trying to keep the hurt out of my voice. 

"Here, let me grab a washcloth and I'll get you cleaned up." He said still very softly, as he snapped his finger, making the mess disappear. I nodded, looking at where the mess was trying not to cry with how gentle he sounded. That didn't last long, as soon as he started to gently wipe my arms with the washcloth, I started to cry. 

He looked at me concerned, "Pat, does that hurt? What can I do to help it."

I shook my head and tried to stop crying before whispering, " just helps so much." 

He nods and continues to wipe the tea off of me. After he was finished he snapped me into my cat onesie and then asked, "Do you want me to make you some more tea?"

"No thanks, I think I'm just going to go to bed," I say as I stand up. My stomach grumbled loudly, as I did so. I winced a little, as it was starting to hurt pretty badly. 

"Are you hungry Padre?" He asked, laughing just a little at the sound.

"No, not really. I think it's just digesting." I say trying to avoid the topic.

He looks at me skeptically but drops it as he yawns, "Okay Pat, see ya tomorrow?"

"Yes, Night Roro, sorry for waking you." I say, also yawning, as I make my way to my room.

"Night Pat, and don't worry about it. As long as you aren't hurt." He saying, walking back into his room.

I nod at that and close my door. My stomach grumbled loudly again. I knew I would have to do something about what was going on soon, but right now I was tired, and my arm was hurting a bit. I just laid down and fell asleep quickly.

Time Skip to a few weeks later

The last few weeks had been hell for me. We had just gotten busier, which caused even less interaction from the other sides. The last time I had a full interaction with anyone was the night I fell and spilled my tea. Not that I wanted any of the other sides to see me right now. I looked like I hadn't eaten in months. Part of me feeling touch starved meant my physical form reflected it. But instead of it being like a few weeks of me not eating, it was sped up to a few months. I was starving, as I couldn't eat much, but the touch starvation was even strong. 

I sat in my room, looking at pictures of all of us sides. They did stop me from just bursting into tears, but it didn't stop me from craving hugs and cuddles from someone else. I was too deep into the memories of the photos to realize someone had knocked on the door until a hand was waving in front of my face. I looked up to see Virgil in my room, and he looked concerned.

"Hey kiddo! Didn't see ya there. Whatcha need?" I said, a smile forming on my face, as was habit.

"I was gonna invite you to a movie night with me and the other sides but Pat, have you been eating?" He said, concern lacing his voice.

My smile wavered slightly, but I pushed away the anxiety before saying, "Of course kiddo, why do you ask?"

"Pat, you look like you haven't eaten anything in months!" He says, the echoey thing his voice does seeping in a little.

"Oh...that...I...umm..." I stammered, unsure of what to say, as it had never gotten this bad. Before I realize what is happening, Virgil pulls me into a hug. As soon as he does that, I burst into tears. It felt like my whole body was on fire, but it felt so good at the same time. We sat there hugging while I cried what felt like forever. Finally I stopped crying and Virgil pulled away from me. I pulled him back, before realizing what I was doing and sheepishly letting him go completely. After I had done that, I shivered from the sudden cold. 

Virgil noticed, thought for a moment while studying me then asked, "Pat, when was the last time you were hugged by someone?"

I thought for a minute before saying, "About a month ago I think? It was before Thomas started the big project."

"Do you deal with touch starvation?" He then asked.

I looked away from him and nodded slowly, embarrassed at it. He pulled me into another hug, then picked me up. Before I knew what was happening, we were downstairs on the couch. Never once did Virgil let go of me. I felt him pull out his phone, as his weight shifted, then a few minutes later felt two more people around us. Soon I was in the middle of a cuddle puddle, basking in the warmth and coziness of it. I slowly drifted off to sleep smiling. I knew I would have to talk about what happens when I feel touch starved with them eventually, but right now I was happy and with the people I love once again. 

Word count: 1252

This is such great concept and I really hope I did it justice. I've been holding onto this one a while because I didn't know which direction I wanted to take it. Also, wow a fic not centered around Logan! I didn't even mention him that much in this lol. Have a good day/afternoon/night.

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