Must have been the Wind Pt 2 (Virgil)

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This is the other perspective of the last chapter. Please be aware of the trigger warnings. If you don't think you can handle it, please skip this chapter.

TW: Abuse, yelling, throwing things, food insecurity, bullying (Please let me know if there is more)

I had just finished moving my boxes into my dorm when the door opened again. I turned to look at my new roommate and noticed it was a girl. They could identify as something different, I reminded myself. I held my hand to them, "Hi, my name is Virgil. I use he/him pronouns."

They looked over at me, put their box down, and then shook my hand, "Nice to meet you, Virgil; my name is Charlie. I use she/her? I've never actually been asked. I'm a girl."

I felt a little uneasy, "Don't they normally separate boys and girls?"

"They probably thought I was a boy with my name." She started setting up her side of the room.

I nodded, trying to remember if they asked what people identified as when we were signing up, "Yeah, probably. Just so you know, I'm gay, so you don't have to worry about me hitting on you or anything."

She looked over at me and smiled, but it seemed strained, "Oh, okay."

I thought nothing of it and started unpacking my stuff. About an hour later, I finished unpacking my stuff. The last thing I put up was a glass cat that my mom gave me as a going-away gift. It was one of my favorite things.

Time Skip

It had been a few weeks since school started, and things with my roommate had been tense. It seemed like no matter what I did, it pissed her off. In fact, she would get upset at me for breathing. Today, I guess she was extra pissed off. I don't know what I did this time but she was yelling again. I glanced up at the time; it was almost 2 A.M.

"Hey, it's kinda late. Maybe you should lower your voi-" I felt something go by me, and then the sound of glass shattering. I looked to see what it was and saw my broken glass cat. I started to tear up when I felt her punch my arm. She continued to hit me and yelled at me. I didn't move; I just let it happen. I didn't know what else to do. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Get up, put your jacket on, and go and see who it is. I can't be seen by anyone." She whispered.

I nodded, and got my jacket and put it on, when it didn't cover everything while it was open, so I zipped it up. I opened the door. He stared at me for a minute, making me nervous. I fidgeted with my jacket sleeves, feeling her staring at me.

I finally said, " you need something?" I then silently cursed at myself for stuttering.

"Oh, sorry. I live on the floor below you and thought I had heard something break and wanted to know if everything was okay." He said, concern and tiredness lacing his voice.

"I think you heard something else. That didn't happen." I said, glancing off to the side, she was moving closer to me. I fidgeted more.

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Thanks for checking, but I swear everything is okay. I didn't hear anything like that. It was probably the wind, it's really windy out there right now." I said quickly.

"Yes, it was probably that." He said, frowning. He turned away, and Charlie moved away from the door. I was about to close it when he turned back to me and said, "My name is Logan Sanders, I live in the dorm room right below yours. In case you need anything."

Before I could say anything else, he walked off. I watched him go, wishing he would come back. I close the door and look over at Charlie. She was on her bed, ignoring me now. I just climbed into bed and went to bed.

Time Skip

I had a rough day, everything seemed to go wrong. My alarm didn't go off so I was late to my class. Then they ran out of the pasta I wanted for lunch. I finally got back to my dorm room, just wanting to sleep. Instead, Charlie was also in a bad mood.

"Where the fuck were you Vigil. I told you to be back right after your classes." She yelled, softer than the other night.

"I was hungry, so I went and got lunch from the Caf." I said, putting my stuff down.

"You don't need anymore food. I swear, you've gained weight since we've started college." She said, getting close to me.

My breathing hitched. That was one of the things that I struggled with. This had been the first time in years that I had a somewhat unlimited access to food. I knew that I was gaining weight. I heard one of the psychology students talking about food insecurity. I think I have that.

Before I could answer, there was a knock on the door. We both looked at the door before she motioned for me to answer it. I quickly head over there and open the door. I see it's the guy from the other night, Logan. I look at him a little confused, then step into the hallway. I close the door behind me to lessen what Charlie can hear before saying, "Did you need something?"

"Oh, um, I...I was a little bit worried about you. I know it seems weird but with the yelling and what might've been a glass shattering. I wanted to know if you were okay." He adjusts his glasses, a nervous habit I'm guessing.

I smile at him, and start fidgeting with my sleeves again, "Yeah, I'm okay. And I told you, I didn't hear anything."

"Do you want to go get lunch with me?" He blurts out. We stare at each other, I'm surprised at that. He then quickly says, "I mean, as maybe friends? I wasn't trying to ask you out. I just..."

I laugh a little in surprise, "Oh, I didn't think you were, I would have but I have to go back inside. Maybe some other time."

"Okay, yeah. Let's do that. Again, I'm on the floor just below yours if you need anything"

"Thanks Logan, but I'm fine. I don't know what you've been hearing but I swear it's the wind." I say, opening the door to go back in. I can feel him watching me as I close the door.

I'm still smiling as I close the door. Charlie looks at me in disgust, "What are you so happy about?"

"Nothing, that was just a friend of mine." I say, heading to my bed to lay down.

"I don't want anyone coming here, I'll get in trouble. So if you meet up with your 'friend' it needs to be away from here."

I just nod and then ignore her. She just talks and talks for hours. Sometimes to me, sometimes to her friends. I fall asleep to her talking at me again about some dude in her class that was a 'know it all' and 'just trying to be the teacher's pet'.

Time skip

Logan and I started hanging out more, mostly away from the dorms all together. The longer I was out of the dorm, the less I got yelled at, or hurt. She stopped throwing things at least. Not that it helped me that much. She still liked to punch me. I wore my jacket all the time now, the bruises were getting worse.

He and I usually got food after classes. That's were I learned that he was the one that my roommate hated. He had stayed late to ask the teacher a question, and I saw her walk out with her posse. I told Logan about it later, which he laughed at. I swear, his laugh was so adorable. I always want to make him laugh and smile. His smile, while rare at the beginning was rare, I see it more often now.

I was waiting for him when I got his text that he'd meet me at our spot, but he was running late. I made my way over to our tree. He didn't take too long. He seemed a bit nervous, but smiled at me as he sat down.

"So, I don't want to assume anything, but I wanted to know if you wanted to move into my dorm. You know there's no one sharing the room with me." He started rambling, and messed with his glasses.

"I'd love to! Thank you so much!" I pulled him into a hug.

We grabbed some food and headed back to his, no our, dorm room. We put in some conspiracy theory videos, ate our food and discussed things we thought were stupid in the videos. At some point, he ended up falling asleep leaning against me. I turned off the video and snuggled into him. I was finally happy.

Word Count:1465

I needed a fluffy ending after the angst that I wrote. I hope you guys like it! Have a good day/afternoon/night.

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