Flowershop Au

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A/N: So life (and depression) have gotten in the way of me doing this but I promise to be better about this. This is a story idea I've had for a while (in fact wrote it in my docs).
Concept: one person runs a flower shop and one person runs a tattoo shop. They fall in love.
Pairing: Logan x Virgil

Virgil POV:
Virgil looked at his shop excited, he was finally going to open his flower shop. He bought this shop months ago, and the renovations were finally finished. It was a dream come true. And he did it without any help. Not that he could've asked his parents, they kicked him out at 16 for being gay and trans.
Ever since then, he started working and saving money to get out of his home town. And he did, he saved enough to move to a city and he had just enough to buy this shop so he could start selling flowers. It had an apartment above it so he didn't have to find another place to live.
He checked the time and decided to walk around a bit to see what other shops were around here. There was a coffee shop on the counter, a tattoo shop and a community theater. The rest were just apartment buildings. He decided to head into the coffee shop to check it out.
As soon as he walked in, he was greeted by an orange tabby cat who rubbed their head against Virgil's leg. He carefully petted them after a minute, and smiled when they purred.
"Oh sorry about her, she loves meeting people. I hope you don't mind" someone said.
"Oh,  no worries. I love cats and dogs. I didn't expect this little guy to greet me, but I love it" Virgil says, walking up to the counter.
"Lovely! Hey, I've seen you at that shop that's been under renovations."
"Yes. It's finally finished and I can open it tomorrow. And since the shop will be opening I figured now would be the best time to look around the neighborhood. I'm Virgil by the way" Virgil smiles at the person then looks up at the menu.
"Well, welcome to the neighborhood! I'm Patton Morales. Owner of The Rainbow Coffee Shop. What can I get for you?" Patton says.
"Can I get the....Ace Lavender Coffee?"
"Great choice! I have a regular who loves it. Anything else?"
"A rainbow cookie please? I'm guessing this is a safe place?" Virgil says as Patton starts on the coffee.
"Oh yes! I know a lot of kids and older people don't have a safe place so I opened this for them. It's normally busy after 3, when school gets out. Here you go, "Patton says, handing Virgil his drink and cookie. "I'm going to start on another drink as a regular will be in soon. But you can still ask me any questions"
"Thank you." Virgil says, taking the coffee and looking around.
Not even a minute later the bell chimes as someone walks in. Virgil looks over and has a brief moment of gay panic. The person is tall, with black hair with electric blue tips. His eyes matched the blue in his hair, but sort of hidden by their glasses.  They were dressed in more formal clothes, polo with a tie and dress pants. Despite wearing formal clothes, Virgil could tell they were more punk then they let on, as he could see their arm tattoos.
"Logie! Right on time. Here's your coffee and sandwich." Patton says as the person walks up to the counter.
"Thank you patton. I'll be sitting here for a bit, I have a sketch to finish and Thomas keeps trying to interrupt me." The person says, taking the food.
"Okay Logan, just letting you know, Roman will be over soon and he can get a bit loud."
"Roman is actually helping me with this one. Thanks for letting me know" the person, Logan, turns to sit at the table Virgil was sitting at.
Virgil and Logan just stare at each other, not knowing what to do. Virgil started to get up, sensing Logan wanted to sit there, when the bell chimed again and a person in a prince suit walked in. Both Virgil and Logan looked at who walked in, and Logan walked over to him.
"Where do you want to sit? My normal spot is taken." Logan says to the new person.
"I don't have a preference. Who took your spot? You have sat there forever."

Word count: 696
Hope you guys enjoyed this. Please let me know if you want more of it.

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