Hanahaki Disease Surgery Ending (Pt. 2)

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Here's the next part of the Hanahaki disease oneshot, Surgery edition. I will warn you, I didn't mention a lot of the actual surgery or the hospital due to me not liking it. Hope you guys enjoy it. 

TW: Hanahaki Disease, hospitals, and surgery is mentioned, unrequited love.


I was back in the bathroom, having spent most of the last few days there, when I heard a knock on the door. I knew by the way they knocked, it was Logan again. He had been coming around more the last few days despite me telling him I wanted to be left alone. I opened my mouth to answer but went into another coughing fit, causing a whole flower to come up. It was Patton's. It also meant the disease was further along than I thought it was. I knew I couldn't continue like this; it was literally killing me to continue loving them as much as I did.  I tried to call out, but it hurt too much. I coughed again, and everything started going dark. 

I wake up a little bit later, still in my bathroom, surrounded by blood and flowers. No one came to see if I was okay; no one was ever going to love me. I sat there, looking at the flowers, as I realized this. It was never going to work out between us because they did not like me the way I liked them, and it was just going to kill me if I didn't do something about it. 

I finally left the bathroom after cleaning it up some, coughing up more flowers, and giving up on cleaning my bathroom. I found my phone and looked up doctors who would be able to do surgery on someone this far along with my disease. There was only one person nearby, Dr. Emile Picani. I set up an appointment to meet with him tomorrow and hoped that it wouldn't take too long to get this surgery done. I went to bed, hoping that I would wake up the next morning. 

The next morning, I did wake up. I got ready for my appointment and headed out before anyone was up. I had a ton of paperwork to fill out as if I had time to fill all this out. I honestly didn't read most of it. By the time I was finished, Dr Picani was able to see me. 

"Now, I understand you're interested in getting the surgery to remove the flower growing inside of you." Dr Picani said after he did a general check of me. 

"Yes, I...uh...well...it's not just one," I say, holding back a cough.

"Oh? How many will we be removing?" He says, grabbing his clipboard to make a note of it. 


"Okay. I see. Well, I think we should do this as soon as possible." 

We set up a date, a week from now, and he gave me medicine to slow the process. By the time I got home, everyone was up. I managed to slip back into my room without anyone noticing. I just had to wait until the date, and this would all be over. I didn't feel bad for them; they didn't like me back, and I wanted to live. 

Time Skip

I woke up in a hospital room and was a bit surprised to see Logan, Patton, and Virgil, along with my doctor. For the first time in months, I didn't feel anything when I looked at them. It felt strange, but it was a good feeling. 

"How are you feeling Roman?" Dr Picani asked me. 

"Better." I said, my voice a little hoarse. 

"I've explained to your friends here what you should do the next couple of days. We have a follow up appointment in a week to verify everything is in order."

I nodded and watched him leave. The three of them just stared at me, like they wanted to tell me something but I couldn't place the emotions I was seeing on their faces. The looked at each other for a minute before Logan cleared his throat. I looked at him as he started to say, "We...were worried about you and found out where you were so we came here. What...what did you have done?"

I stayed quiet for  minute before saying, "I got the surgery for Hanahaki disease. I am cured and no longer have to worry about the emotions attached to it."

"Hana...What!? Why would you do that? You can never love again!" Virgil said loudly.

"Yes. I would have died. The flowers are gone and now we can be happy family again." I said, ignoring his outcry.

"What emotions do you mean?" Patton said.

"Love. I can no longer love."

Logan stands up and walks over to me, "I understand why you've done this, you didn't want to die. Can I know who it was?"

I look up at him, and smile sadly at him, "All of you"

They look surprised for a second before Logan said, "You liked us back?"

Word count: 782

Here's the second ending of the Hanahaki disease oneshot. I hope you guys liked it. I did try my best on it, but  I don't feel that confident with it.  I love the idea of it ending with the other sides actually liking him back, but they didn't come soon enough. Have a good day/afternoon/night.

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