Feelings (Logan)

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This one started out as just a cute little thing, and then I got writing and went "you know what? Angst" and that's where it is. I do know that I've done a similar idea already, but hey, it's a good concept.
TW: U!Patton, mentions of not eating, verbal abuse, Remus being Remus,


I looked over the notes I had written over the past few weeks. Everything I noticed about myself. After a minute, I wrote something else on the page. None of what I wrote down made sense to me. They weren't logical and I couldn't figure it out. And that was not normal for me. I could figure things out right away, even the illogical stuff, even if those normally took longer.

I sighed and shut the notebook. I knew the next step was to go to someone and see if they could help me figure it out. I closed my eyes and tried to think of who would be best to go to. Virgil seemed to be the one who popped up in my notes the most, so going to him doesn't seem like a good idea. Roman is too nosy and would probably try to do something drastic or dramatic. Janus and Remus are out of the questions because, well because they could do something stupid. So that leaves Patton. I guess he would be the best to help me figure things out.

I decided to get it over with, before he made dinner and watched a movie with everyone. I grab my notes and quickly walk to Patton's room. I do a quick knock and wait for him to answer. It seems like forever for him to open the door, but he finally does.

"Yes? Oh hi Logie! What can I do for ya?" He says opening the door.

"I require some..." I say, pausing for a second as I try to figure out what to say, "help with something."

"Sure! Come in." He says, holding the door open for me. I walk inside and take a seat on one of the lounge chairs he has set up in his room for when others visit. I nervously tap my notebook, the effects of the room getting to me, probably because of what has been happening the past few weeks.

"What can I help you with?" He says sitting next to me.

"Well...I have noticed some things that has been going on the past few weeks and I was wondering if you could help?" I say, adjusting my glasses.

"Of course! What have you've noticed?" He asks me, taking my hand to try and calm me.

"Well...when I get close to someone, I get a weird...feeling?...and I just want to be around them and I...feel?...happy..." I say trying to sort out my thoughts, even though it became harder when Patton started to squeeze my hand for 'support'.

"It sounds like you have a crush on someone Logie!" Patton says excitedly, "Can I ask who the person is? Is it someone in this room?"

I stare at him, processing what he just said. I have a 'crush' on someone? Does that mean I have feelings other then the main emotions like happiness, anger, and sadness. I suddenly felt very anxious, what if something bad happened to Thomas because of this. I manage to say, "Uh...y-yeah?"

"So you like me too Logie!?!" Patton practically yells.

I suddenly realize what I said. I don't want him to get sad because I don't like him back. I am pulled out of my thoughts when he pulls me into a kiss. Startled, I pull back and immediately regret it. He looks at me with hurt eyes, the kind of look he gets when he sees someone kick a puppy.

"S-sorry, I uhh it's just...I was startled by that." I stutter out trying to make him feel better.

"Oh, that's okay Logan. I get it, you're not use to affection. I'll help teach you how to understand and accept it. First rule, you don't pull away from someone when they give you a hug or kiss." He says, pulling me into a hug.

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