I'm Sorry (Logan)

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Concept: Logan wants to share something he learned with Virgil but it instead turns into a yelling match. Afterwards, Logan feels guilty about the whole thing.

TW: mention of yelling/arguing, negative thoughts


I sat in my room, looking down at my desk. I felt stupid and upset with myself. Tears prickled my eyes as I thought about what had happened.


I was sitting in the living room with my computer researching anything I thought of with Virgil sitting at the other end of the couch on Tumblr. This was something I did when I had finished all my work and there wasn't anything important to do. It passed the time and I enjoyed what I learned.

After I found out something, I turned to Virgil to tell him about it. As soon as I mentioned it he started talking about it in a negative way, which made me sad. I tried to mention things I liked about it but he kept ranting about how he didn't like it.

Finally, he noticed I was quiet and not contributing to the conversation, and he asked me what was wrong. I started to say that it made me upset that he didn't acknowledge what I said, but it came out more accusatory than I meant it to. He got defensive and started to get after me saying how he did acknowledge what I said.

It got loud, we were both yelling at each other. The whole thing became a mess. At some point, Patton had come in and tried to separate us, not that it helped much until he yelled in the dad voice he uses sometimes when someone isn't listening to him. Both Virgil and I looked at him. Before either of us could say anything he sent us to our rooms like we were some children who needed a time out.


Which brings us to now, where I'm sitting here crying. I didn't want any of this to happen. I wanted to share what I learned. Instead Virgil and I were in our rooms and Virgil probably hated me now. Sometimes I wished I didn't have feelings, this whole thing could've been avoided if I had just ignored what I felt or if I didn't have them at all. I wish I could just say I'm sorry...

Word Count: 353

A/N: I know this is short and probably badly written. I'm kinda in my feels right now and this is what I came up with. I hope you enjoyed it.

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