Gone (Logan)

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TW: unsympathetic Roman and Patton, implied depression, feeling numb, break up.
Ship: analogical

Logan sat at his desk and stared blankly at the computer. He knew he should be working but he felt numb. Nothing was right. Life felt like it should've stopped.
He vaguely heard laughter from Patton and Roman coming from the living room. How could they be happy at a time like this? They were laughing and joking around when nothing was right.
He should've guess it though. They never liked Virgil, not really. Sure, on camera Patton acted like a father figure to him, but that was just an act. Roman never liked him, and tried to taunt him as much as possible, even on camera.
Logan, however, fell in love with the anxious side. It started out slowly, hardly noticeable, but it grew and grew until finally Logan could no longer look at Virgil without feeling butterflies in his stomach. He tried just avoiding Virgil, but that proved hard as they both hung out quite a bit. Eventually, Logan told Virgil and they were happy together.
Why did the other two have to ruin it?
Logan and Virgil had made plans to go out to eat that night. Just the two of them. They hadn't gone on a date in a while. Roman and Payton found every excuse to keep Logan at home and away from Virgil. But they finally were going to get away.
Logan woke up excited. He didn't rush or show it, but on the inside he was jumping around. That changed though when he went down to breakfast. Roman and Patton were there, but Virgil wasn't, which was unusual because he tried to be there for Logan in the mornings. Logan sat at his spot and saw a letter addressed to him. He picked it up, and read it.

Dear Logan,
I am having to break up with you. I know this isn't the normal way to do it but I can't do it face to face. I'm going back to Janus and Remus. I just can't stand it over there. Patton and Roman have never made me feel welcome and they keep trying to push me to be someone I'm not. You belong with them, you're a light side. And I don't want to stand in the way of that. Just know I will always love you.

Logan sat there and stared at the letter for what seemed like forever. Roman and patton had long since finished their breakfast and had started to clean up. Neither of them said a word to Logan, instead talked and joked amongst themselves.
Finally Logan got up from the table and went straight up to his room. Why couldn't they accept Virgil? Why did he have to leave? He knew that Logan didn't feel like he belonged. The world continued around him, but Logan didn't move.

Word count: 471
A/N: This is probably not very good but this is the best I got. I do have some chapters I'm working on, just lost motivation for a bit. Anyway, have a good day/night everyone.

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