I can't lose you like i lost jackson

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*this chapter Tim gets shot he didn't want Lucy to know but when she does she's angry with him but will Lucy tell Tim how she felt when she found out

*Tim was with metro got a call saying there was a shooting inside the shop we got there

Man : get me everything you have now *points gun to the woman
Tim *grabs gun walks in points gun : hands where i can see then now
Man1 *puts hands up
Tim : drop the gun
Man *drops gun
Man2 *shoots Tim from his side
Tim *falls to the group

*metro come in luckily they came in time they called the ambulance he went straight to the hospital

*at the hospital

Bailey : male man shot to the arm he needs surgery right away to get the bullet out
Grace : thanks *we take him to surgery

*couple minutes later Lucy found out went straight to the hospital and waited to find out if he's gonna be okay

*couple hours later

Grace : anyone to see Tim Bradford
Lucy : yes I am I'm his girlfriend
Grace : he got shot in the shoulder but he'll be okay if he rests till he's feeling better but I know how stubborn he is
Lucy : yea he's stubborn but he's will rest till he feels better can I see him
Grace : follow me *walks to Tim's room : he's in there
Lucy : thanks *opens the door walks in shuts the door and walks to the chair that's by the bed sits down holds Tim's hand : hey babe it's me I'm here *kisses his hand
Tim *squeezes her hand
Lucy : babe
Tim *opens his eyes turns his head : h... hey baby
Lucy : hey
Tim *looks at her : what's wrong baby
Lucy : why didn't you want to tell me to know that you got shot
Tim : I didn't want you to get worried baby
Lucy : but I did I found out I thought I was gonna lose you I can't lose you like I lost Jackson
Tim *grabs her hand : I can't promise you I won't get hurt on the job but I can promise you I will love you and stay by your side till the day I die I promise you i love you
Lucy *smiles : i love you too babe
Tim *kisses her hand
Lucy *looks into his eyes
Tim *looks into her eyes

*hope you liked this chapter

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