Will you marry me

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* Lucy and Tim have been dating for 2 months and Tim got a engagement ring a few months ago and he decided today he's gonna ask Lucy to marry him Tamara already knew she knew since I came home with a box

* the next day Tim tells Angela he's proposing to Lucy

Angela * is at the desk doing paperwork
Tim : ang can we talk
Angela : can we do it later I'm kinds busy
Tim : ang it's time to ask Lucy
Angela * looks up gets up grabs his wrist and goes to his office shuts door : Tim your proposing to Lucy
Tim : yes it's time I got the ring when we started dating I've known for a while she's the one I want Lucy to marry me
Angela : so have you hidden the ring
Tim : of course it's in my office drawer * I pull it open I grab the box I show Angela
Angela : wow she's gonna love it
Tim : I know her * I put the box back in the drawer
Angela : well good luck
Tim : I've been very nervous today I think Lucy can tell
Angela : just relax and calm down
Tim : I will thanks
Angela : no problem Tim

* Angela left the office went back to her office

* Tim grabbed the box puts it in his pocket he goes to the graveyard to visit someone

* pulls up and walks over to the graveyard and stands where Jackson was

Tim : hey west it's me Tim I'm sure Lucy told you we are dating so anyway I've came here to tell you that I'm asking Lucy to marry me today she means everything to me she changed my life you know she misses you like a lot she talk about you to me when you first shipped me and Lucy you knew all along we would eventually get together hope you look down at me and Lucy tonight and see us getting engaged anyway I've got to go Jackson I'll see you soon

* Tim walked away from the graveyard and he headed to his house to get ready

* Tim arrived at his house and went inside he gets changed into a blue shirt and a black jacket then black trousers and a black belt I put the box in my pocket and then l head in the kitchen I put food down for Kojo I said goodbye to him then l head out the door I head into my truck and I head to Lucy

Lucy * I see the time I put the green dress on as Tim always says it's his favourite I put perfume on I open the bedroom door I sit on the couch waiting for him he's been very weird lately he's been nervous could be nothing but he's been very weird

* knock at the door

Lucy * gets up answers the door sees her boyfriend: hi
Tim : wow you I
Lucy : you look handsome too babe
Tim : are you ready
Lucy : yea I am *I grab his hand then shuts the door we walk out to his truck

* Tim opened the door for Lucy and got in he got in the drivers seat and drove off to the restaurant

* couple hours later they arrive at the restaurant

* they leave the truck they walk in the restaurant holding hands Tim gave him his name and then someone walked us to our table they sit down they ordered the same thing sea bass

Tim : you ok
Lucy : yea are you you kinda been off lately
Tim : I'm okay baby
Lucy : Tim babe I know you
Tim * was thinking what to say : my mom is coming into town this week just been nervous sorry I didn't tell you
Lucy : it's okay babe * I held his hand
Tim *smiles at her
Lucy : what
Tim : it's just I've never been this happy
Lucy *smiles at him : back at you * kisses his cheek

* the food came they eat it

* they didn't have dessert they paid and left the restaurant they took a walk sees the beautiful beach

Tim * was about to propose
Chris : hey Lucy
Lucy : Chris uh hi
Tim * was angry
Chris : I've been meaning to call you asking if you'd give us another ago * grabs her hand
Tim : let her hand to
Chris : no she's not your girlfriend
Tim : actually she is * I grab her waist I kiss her
Lucy *was shocked then pull away : I've moved on Chris you should do the same
Chris *walked away
Tim *walked away
Lucy *walks next to Tim grabs his hand : babe what was that about
Tim : nothing just don't hit on my girl
Lucy *laughs a bit : Timothy was you jealous
Tim : no
Lucy : you're cute when you get jealous
Tim : he's ruined our night
Lucy : baby no he didn't I promise
Tim *hears her hand and starts walking
Lucy : beautiful beach ain't it
Tim : yea
Lucy * in from if Tim
Tim *puts arms around her puts chin on her shoulder
Lucy * smiles
Tim * removes hands from her waist and got behind her and goes on one knee waiting for her to turn around
Lucy : you know babe even know you don't like the beach you'd come here for me
Tim : Luce
Lucy *turns around and sees him on one knee : oh my
Tim : Lucy chen the love of my life when we meet you knew I'd be stubborn you were my rookie but when Jackson died it put us closer we had a moment nearly kissed but he knew we would get together and I love you Lucy will you marry me
Lucy : yes yea yes I will
Tim * got up put the ring on her finger

* they kissed for a second

* they left and went to Tim's house

* they spent the night at Tim's house they couldn't be happier

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Lucy's engagement ring

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