I promise babe

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* Lucy got into a incident at work whilst on patrol and Tim finds out

Tim : Aaron
Aaron : room 7 sir
Tim *runs pass all the nurses and walks in the room sees his girlfriend unconscious and has some bruises and has some stitches: oh Luce why didn't you call me
Lucy *begins to wake up: Tim
Tim : hey your in the hospital
Lucy : I'm fine I'm sorry I didn't call
Tim: your not fine you got into a accident and you're in a hospital bed what happened
Lucy : there was a guy he had a gun I went to take him he punched me he got on top of me he had a knife he cut my cheek and head a bit but I managed to hit him and knock him out a bit I'm sorry
Tim : it's okay baby I'm just glad you are okay
Lucy : can I have a cuddle
Tim : of course baby * I get in the bed wraps Arms around her and I kiss her forehead
Lucy * cuddles into his chest
Tim : promise me from now on if you get any accidents or incidents tell me baby
Lucy : I promise babe

*they  cuddle up together and eventually fell asleep together in each other's arms

* hope you liked this Story

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