Mom what are you doing here

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*Lucy had a baby with Emmett and Lucy's mom didn't want to be involved with her or the baby Lucy had no one till Tim , Jackson , Nolan came but when Jackson died Lucy and to explain what happened it was a difficult to tell Theo

*they're outside

Theo : momma
Lucy : yes Theo
Theo: uncle Jackson in the sky *points at the sky
Lucy : yes bud uncle Jackson in the sky he's watching over you everyday Theo
Theo : uncle Jackson loved me
Lucy : yes he does
Tim : Theo
Theo : Tim *runs to him
Tim *picks him up : what are you doing out here
Theo : taking about uncle Jackson
Tim : are you now he's looking over you now
Theo : that's what momma said
Tim : Lucy Chen
Lucy : Timothy Bradford
Tim *kisses her cheek
Lucy *kisses his lips
Theo : ewww momma Tim
*they both laughed

*they headed back to the apartment to see Tamara standing in the hall

Theo *sleeping in Lucy's arms
Lucy : Tam
Tamara : you mom in there good luck see you in a few minutes
Lucy *nods

*they walked in and sees Vanessa standing there

Vanessa : hello Lucy
Lucy : what uh Tim put Theo to bed
Tim *takes him from Lucy and walks in puts him in tbd bed covers him up with the covers walks out of the room and shuts it quickly: I'll be in our room *walks in the room shuts it lays on the bed

Vanessa : so Tim your dating Theo that's your son name
Lucy : not that's any business of your but yes
Vanessa : what happened to Emmett
Lucy : he left mom what are you doing here
Vanessa : I'm here ask you to give up police officer and come back to work with me
Lucy : no I won't this is my dream I won't give it up for you mom
Vanessa : oh really what if one day Theo asks where's his mom is and someone tells him she's died him who's gonna look after him
Lucy : Tim he has every one his aunts his uncles
Vanessa : where's Jackson
Lucy : he died shoot in the back
Vanessa : wow Lucy you couldn't even save him
Lucy *shouts : shut up mom you have no clue what me or Theo Have gone through so shut up Jackson was Theo's hero his best friend when i got home told him about Jackson death he said to me don't worry mommy we'll see him again and he's right we will but for now mom I need you to leave now
Theo *opens door : momma
Lucy : go back to bed bud don't worry
Theo *nods he heads back to bed

*Vanessa left and Lucy cuddled with Tim in bed will Lucy explain what happened with Vanessa to Theo let me know if you want a part 2

*hope you enjoy this story

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