Babe i was worried about you

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* Tim and Lucy have been dating for 1 month they couldn't be happier but when Tim gets hurt she gets worried

*at the station

Lucy : babe
Tim : yea baby
Lucy : be save out there
Tim : I always am baby i love you *kisses her
Lucy *kisses back then pulls away : I love you too
Tim : be save out there as well

* Lucy and Aaron was riding together

* Tim goes into a house and there's a gun he shot him he collapsed

*radio goes off

Man : officer down officer down I repeat Sargent Bradford has been shot

*with much

Lucy *couldn't speak she heard Tim was shot she couldn't even think she needed to see Tim
Aaron : I'll drive to the hospital

* the ambulance got to him 10 minutes they got him into the ambulance and drove to the hospital

*at the hospital

* Tim arrived there and they got Tim to surgery

* Lucy and Aaron was in the waiting room

Lucy *was worried she couldn't sit down she was very worried  about Tim if she lost Tim she doesn't know what she will do

Grace : Lucy
Lucy : is he
Grace : the surgery went well the bullet got out he may he sour for a few days but he'll be good he just need rest you can see him he's in room 201

* Lucy went to his room sees Tim unconscious he's laying there oxygen mask over him Lucy walks over to the chair by the bed the sits down and holds his hand

*about 30 minutes later

Tim *starts to wake up looks to his right sees his beautiful girlfriend
Lucy *looks up : hey
Tim : hey baby
Lucy : babe I was worried about you
Tim : I'm okay I'm still breathing
Lucy *stands up kisses his forehead
Tim *moves over and pulls her into his chest : I love you
Lucy *kisses his cheek : I love you too

*Lucy was glad her boyfriend was alive they cuddled together and fell asleep

*hope you liked this one shot story

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