Part 3 / lucy wakes up

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Lucy *opens her eyes she turns her head and sees a man holing my hand I don't know him
Tim *looks up : baby you're okay
Lucy : who are you
Tim : baby it's me Tim
Lucy : I'm sorry I don't remember
Tim : I'll get a doctor

*Tim told Grace everything

Grace : okay when Lucy was attacked and went unconscious lucy has amnesia
Tim : Grace she doesn't know who I am
Grace: her memory will come back Tim but it will take Tim
Tim : okay

*Tim and Grace went inside the room

Grace : hi Lucy I'm your doctor Grace
Lucy : hi
Grace : you remember this guy
Lucy *looks at him : no I'm sorry
Grace : no it's okay this is Tim you're boyfriend
Lucy : my boyfriend
Grace : do you remember how you got to the hospital
Lucy *thinks for a second: no what happened
Grace : I'll let Tim explain
Tim : your a police officer you got called to a scene there was an assault somewhere outside but uh a guy he attacked you and you have been in a coma for 1 week I've been worried about you
Lucy : i oh that explains a lot why can't I remember
Grace : you have memory loss Lucy it's called amnesia your memory will come back but it will take time
Lucy *nods
Grace : I'll leave you alone *leaves the room

*couple minutes later

Lucy : Tim
Tim : yea
Lucy : can you tell me about my life
Tim : of course Luce what do you want to know
Lucy : anything
Tim : okay well you share an apartment with a girl named Tamara she's like a daughter to you she goes to college we have a dog named Kojo your a police officer and you love it you actually want to be a detective
Lucy : wow that's a lot detective wow what about my parents
Tim : you have no contact with them they don't support you becoming a cop and they don't like us being a couple
Lucy : oh okay so we're like together dating
Tim : yes baby we are
Lucy : do we share a house
Tim : no not yet but I do come over to your apartment couple times
Lucy *nods

* lucy told Tim to stay

*lucy was about to fall asleep till she asks Tim an question

Lucy : Tim
Tim : yea baby
Lucy : where's Jackson is he here
Tim *looks at her : baby go to sleep we'll talk tomorrow
Lucy : okay

*lucy fell asleep

*Tim was thinking how he was gonna tell Lucy about Jackson

* how is Tim gonna tell Lucy what happened to Jackson

*let me know if you want part 4

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