Mommy said to find her and to protect me is mommy okay part 2

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* it's the next day

* Tim hasn't slept he's been trying to search to find Lucy

Angela : Tim you need sleep
Tim : no I need to find my girlfriend and the mother of my child if I can't find her I don't know what will I tell Theo
Angela : don't think like that Tim we will find her
Tim *phones goes off
Angela : who is it
Tim : unknown number
Angela : answer it  sir *shouts to Wade
Wade : yea
Angela : Tim got a call
Wade : answer it on loud speaker we will need to track this call
Nyla : already on it
Wade : answer it * I tell everyone to be quiet and they are
Tim *answers it : Bradford speaking
Man : hello Tim
Tim : who's this
Man : I've your girl here
Tim : why what's she done
Man : she's the reason my friend died
Tim : what uh who
Man : Caleb
Tim * looks at Angela
Angela *whispers : keep him taking
Tim : she isn't the reason Caleb wasn't a good guy he put my girlfriend in a barrel and she couldn't died he was shot we tried to save him but he died so please leave my girlfriend go
Man *sent picture
Tim *looks at it shows the others
Angela : oh god
Tim : if you kill her you'll go down with murder and that woman is my girlfriend and the mother of my child think of the kid come on
Man : goodbye Tim *hangs up
Tim : oh god
Nolan : guys
Wade : what
Nolan : we've got a location come and look
*they all went to the computer and saw the location Tim had Tamara to look After Theo

* they drive to the location

* at the location

* they put vest under Their shirt just in case he had a gun

Tim *grabs gun walks in
Angela *sees a man by the door : guys he has men on the door look out
Nolan *grabs gun : hands where I can see them
*he did that he was arrested
Nolan : 1 man in custody
*Angela and Tim walks down the basement
Tim *walks down sees Lucy she's unconscious I check if the man is there it's clear
Angela : Tim wait
Tim : what
Angela : it's a trap
There's a string on the floor carful
Man *walks behind Lucy : she's right hello Tim
Tim : what do you want
Man : a car so I can escape
Tim : there's no escape every police officer is here
Man : *puts gun to Lucy's head
Tim : no please
Angela : you must have been angry when you found out Caleb was dead right
Angela : yea
Tim : what are you doing
Angela : go with it
Tim : ok
Nolan *about to go down the basement sees Angela Tim and a man has a gun to Lucy's head grabs radio : need back up in basement found Sargent Bradford detective Lopez
Angela : you wanted to get revenge right
Man : yes
Angela : you see that woman right there she's an amazing person she's a mother she's a girlfriend and she wants to be a detective just like me her you know her son
Man : yea I took her awake from him
Angela : you know he's worried about his mother he wants his mom back to hold him in her arms and so say everything okay that boy wants his mom would you want to take that away from a child
Man : no
Angela : so put the gun down * I step
Over the string
Tim *stays where he is
Angela *walks to him : give me the gun
Man *gives her the gun
Angela *grabs the gun puts it on the floor and arrest him
Tim *steps over the sting
Nolan : hands where I can see them
Angela : stop don't walk any further there's string
Tim *walks to Lucy : baby baby please say something
Lucy : h... hey ... babe
Tim *smiles at her unties her to the chair picks her up and steps over the string runs out with her the ambulance is there I run to them put Lucy on the bed
Bailey * checks her vitals: she's okay she's weak and tired but she's gonna be okay
Tim : can I come
Bailey : of course
Tim *gets in the ambulance
Bailey *puts Lucy in the back of the ambulance and shuts it and they drive off to the hospital
Tim : I'm right here baby I'm here
Lucy : Theo
Tim : he's okay he's safe he's with Tamara

* at the hospital

* Bailey goes in the hospital with Lucy

Bailey : female found unconscious her vitals are okay she's weak and tired I didn't want to say this in front of her boyfriend but I think she's been stabbed with a needle
Grace : okay thanks for this

* Tim , Bailey waited in the waiting room

Grace *checks Lucy arm she has bruises she has a scratch on her arm we put something on her arm we check where the needle where it went in : it must have been a drug where she goes unconscious
Nurse : maybe
Grace : take her to room 15
Nurse : okay *takes her to room 15

* in the waiting room

* Nolan , Angela , Aaron , Wesley , Celina , Wade , turn up

Grace : family of Lucy chen
Tim : yea
Grace : Lucy's going to be okay she has some bruises on her arm and she also had a scratch on her and we put something on the scratch so she's gonna be okay she was also drugged with a needle that made her unconscious that explains why she's tired
Tim : Bailey why didn't you tell me
Bailey : I didn't want to scare you
Tim *nods : so she's okay
Grace : she's gonna make a good recovery
Tim : can I see her
Grace : room 15
Tim *walks to room 15 sees Lucy unconscious walks to the chair next to the bed and sits down grabs her hand : I'm right here baby I'm here

* couple hours later

* Tamara and Theo turn up

Angela : Tamara what are you doing here with Theo
Tamara : he wants to see his daddy
Angela : and wanted to see his mom
Tamara : yea and plus I needed to know if she's okay
Angela : she's gonna be okay Theo let's go see daddy
Tamara *sits on the chair
Nolan : long day
Tamara : yep

* Angela walks in room 15 sees Tim holding Lucy's hand

Angela : Tim
Tim *looks at her sees Theo : hey what Theo doing here
Theo * runs to him : daddy
Tim * picks him up and sets him on his lap
Angela : he wanted to see his dad and Tamara hers
Tim : okay
Angela *leaves the room
Tim : your mom is gonna be okay
Theo : I want mommy
Tim : let's wait till mom wakes up
Theo : why
Tim : because mommy might be sore and tried
Theo : did that man turn mommy
Tim : uh
Theo : please daddy tell me the truth
Tim : he did but she's gonna be okay
Lucy *start to move her head
Tim : baby *holds her hand with one hand
Lucy *starts to opens her eyes turns her head sees her boyfriend and her son : there's my boys
Tim : hey you scared me
Lucy : I .. I'm okay
Tim : I love you
Lucy : I love you too babe
Tim * gets up and gives her a kiss
Theo : mommy
Lucy : Theo have you been good
Theo : yes I've been a good boy mommy
Lucy : come here
Theo : I can't
Lucy : why not
Tim : Theo *sets him on the chair kneels down : what's wrong you were happy a minute ago when you saw mom
Theo : I don't want to hurt her daddy
Lucy : you're not going to hurt me I promise
Theo : okay * I lift my arms up to daddy
Tim *lifts him up and sets him in the bed with Lucy carefully goes to sit back down on the chair
Lucy : where do you think you're going
Tim : to sit down
Lucy : I want you as well in the bed
Tim *gets up and goes the other side and gets in puts arm around her shoulder put my chin on top of her head hisses her hair I shut my eyes I fall asleep
* Theo also fell asleep
Angela *walks in : you know hasn't slept
Lucy : Tim hasn't
Angela : nope he had to focus on saving you
Lucy : I'm lucky he's my boyfriend
Angela : anyway I'll let you rest see you tomorrow Lucy
Lucy : see you tomorrow
*Angela leaves

* Lucy eventually fell asleep with her boys

* Tim was glad lucy is save and she's with him

* Tim was ready to propose in a couple of days

* hope you liked this one shots

* let me know if you have any ideas you want me to do

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