Shhhh Baby I'm here

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*Lucy killed a man as she had to take a shot as he had took a officer as a hostage but she isn't sleeping she's been having nightmares of that night but Tim doesn't know until she tells him and he wakes up with Lucy screaming

*Lucy had 2 weeks off

Tim *enters the apartment and shuts the door sees his girlfriend laying on the couch: hey baby
Lucy : hi
Tim *puts his back down goes to the couch sits down
Lucy *lays on Tim's chest
Tim : you sleep okay love
Lucy : mm
Tim : baby you didn't sleep did you
Lucy : I can't
Tim : talk to me
Lucy : every time I shut my eyes all I see is him
Tim : it's okay I'm here
Lucy *kisses his cheek and continues to watch her show

*couple hours later they had food together and they went to bed Lucy and Tim are cuddled together

*Lucy's nightmare

Man *goes to shoot her
Lucy *shots the man
Man *collapses
Lucy *looks at him
Man : this is your fault officer Chen your going to prison

*end of nightmare

Lucy *wakes up breathing heavily
Tim : baby you okay
Lucy : nightmare * I cry
Tim *I pull her into my chest : shhh baby I'm here

*they cuddled together Tim confronts her rubbing her back and puts his hand though her hair they eventually fell asleep together whilst cuddling

*hope you liked this one shot story

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